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Sam's POV

"Wake up, Sam!" Liam yells, shaking me, and I am wearing only sweatpants, "Someone's at the door for you!"

"W-what? W-hos who's at the door?" I say, sleepily.

"I don't know, it's a boy, our age, he has brown hair, he's wearing a beanie..." Liam replies.

"H-huh? Oh....Oh! That's um, that's Colby, I met him at the concert yesterday."

"Yeah well, hurry up and get outta bed. He's waiting."


Liam leaves the room as I climb out of bed, grabbing my grey t-shirt off my floor and putting it on quickly, I run my fingers through my hair to neaten it.


I open the front door, "Hello?" I say.
"Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to come for breakfast?" Colby asks.
"Oh, yeah, sure, I'll go get changed."

I run to my room and quickly change from my sweatpants to Nike basketball shorts, leaving on the same shirt, I put on socks and my running shoes, then comb my hair.

I grab my phone and $40 and head out the door with Colby.

"Where would you like to go?" Colby asks.
"I'm not sure, have any ideas?" I said.
"How about that buffet that's about a block away?" Colby suggests.
"Yeah that's good."


I couldn't stop glancing at Colby as we walked to the buffet. I was suddenly shocked at myself because even though I've known him for one day, a guy has never-- hell, nobody's ever made me feel this way. Just, something about the way he talks, and how he looks at you, and how he smiles, just seemed perfect.


We arrived at the buffet, paying for our own ways in, we were shown to a table for two, sitting across from each other.
"Would you like to start with a drink?" The waitress asked.
I looked at Colby, and nodded towards the waitress.
"Um, yeah, I'll just have a glass of iced water, thanks." Colby said, smiling.
The waitress looked at me.
"I'll have the same thing, please."
"Great. I'll be right back"

It was a few moments until the waitress came back with our drinks, placing them in front of each of us.
"Would you like to order off the menu or serve yourself at the buffet?" She asked.
"We'll take the buffet." Colby said, without looking at me.

Colby and I walked over to the beginning of he buffet and grabbed our plates. We both got pancakes, bacon, and breakfast sausage with maple syrup. Colby got a small bowl of fruit, too.


"That was really good. I wish I could make pancakes like that." I laughed as I took a strawberry from Colby's bowl, taking a bite.
"Um, you're welcome!" Colby said, giggling.


The waitress took our empty plates and we left.


"So what're your plans for the rest of the day?" Colby asked me, as we walked down the street.
"Honestly, I was just gonna stay at home and watch Netflix or something. Unless you wanna do something?" I said.
"Sure! Whatcha wanna do?" Colby asks.
"Wanna see a movie?" I ask.
"Sure. What one? I've been really wanting to see Finding Dory." Colby laughs.
"Well let's see what time it's at!" I laugh.


Me and Colby get to the movie theatre.


"Can we get two tickets for Finding Dory in 3D, and a large popcorn, please?" I ask. 
"Yep! That will be $26.80"
I turn to Colby, "Its on me."
I smile.


Colby's POV

"Oh, my god. Baby Dory is so cute!" I say, laughing. "What was your favourite part?" I ask Sam.
"My favourite part was probably when she finds her parents and says to them, "I look at you, and I can feel it, I look at you, and I'm home."' Sam answers, "I don't know, it's just really sweet. He smiles.

I smile back at Sam. I look into his eyes, the words that Sam quoted from Dory played back in his mind, 'I look at you, and I can feel it, I look at you, and I'm home.
I look at you, and I'm home, home, home.'

Sam waves his hand in front of me, "Hey," Sam begins, I blink and look at him, returning to reality,  "it's like," Sam checks the time on his phone


"...it's almost 1:30, wanna grab lunch?" Sam asks.
"Oh, yeah sure, eat at my place?" I offer.
"Sure!" Sam answers.

I didn't really want Sam to come to my flat because my room was messy and impersonal and I didn't feel like explaining myself so I winced at the clothes on the floor as we walk in.


I walk in my front door, Sam behind me, "Hey, Brennen, this is Sam, I met him at the concert the other night." I say, my hand on Sam's shoulder.
"Hey Sam, what's up? I'm Colby's roommate." Brennen says from across the room in the kitchen.
"Not much," Sam says as I interrupt, "We are going to make sandwiches for lunch." I say to Brennen, grabbing Sam's wrist and pulling him in the direction of the kitchen.
"Sorry it's kinda messy, what kind of sandwich do you like?" I ask, looking in the fridge, "We have turkey, ham, chicken, ...hmm, not much, sorry."
"Um chicken is good." Sam answers, giggling.
"What's so funny?" I ask.
"You." Sam replies.
"Oh, okay." I grin, looking at Sam.

I take out a loaf of bread, the package of chicken and a butter knife and butter.

"I hope you like just butter with it, we don't have much, we have to go grocery shopping." I say, grabbing two pieces of bread, spreading butter, placing the chicken, and handing it to Sam.
"Thanks." Sam says, taking a bite after. "Wow..." He says.
"What, oh god, you don't like it, do you?" I say.
"Oh, no no! This is really good." Sam says, smiling.
"Why thank you!" I reply, laughing, then making myself one.


We finish our sandwiches, grab our stuff and head out the door for a walk.
"So uh, yeah, thanks for lunch." Sam says.
"Anytime." I say, laughing.

We walk to the park, and sit on a bench.

"You know, today has been really nice." I say.
Sam looks at me surprisingly, and smiles.

'I really like his smile' I thought.

Feels Like Home | Solby Golbrock | Sam Golbach and Colby Brock ImagineWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt