This went on for a good twenty minutes- Olive writing while the twins read. They found themselves falling into the world their Ravenclaw acquaintance was creating, and felt their bodies slowly go numb as they became as transfixed as Olive was. Neither of them noticed how cold it was outside.

Or even that it began to snow.

For Great Britain, it was always on the chilly side, often raining quite frequently. There were a few days that would be nice enough to venture outside with only a t-shirt and jeans on, but most of the time people found themselves throwing a jumper over their heads for good measure.


Reading time was over.

George sniffed as he rubbed the end of his nose with his sleeve, bringing the three of them out of the trance they were previously in.

Olive looked up, startled by the two who sat next to her and how dark it had gotten since she sat down. Her nose was red from the cold, along with her cheeks, both contrasting with her fair skin.

"What are you two doing here? How long have you been here?" She asked as she jumped to her feet, closing her notebook putting the cap back on her pen.

Fred and George blinked a few times, completely unsure themselves.


"I dunno..."

"Thirty minutes? An hour?"

"Not sure."

Olive sighed, shivering greatly as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Where you two reading my writing?" Ollie raised a brow, her voice defensive.

"Yeah." George shrugged.

"No one's supposed to read it yet! Not until it's finished!" She exclaimed, shaking her head. The snowflakes that had gathered on top of her head fell off, cascading around her with the rest of the falling snow. Olive had this issue that no one could read what she had written until it was done. She didn't know why it was such a big deal... But it was. It gave her closure and less anxiety.

"Okay! Okay, lady, jeez." Fred and George put their hands up in surrender, startled by the mixture or red and yellow swirling in her eyes from the mixture of anger and anxiety.

"It's quite good though." George said quickly, speaking truthfully, "When you are done, can we read it?"

Olive blinked a few times, staring at the two of them. Fred nodded in agreement with his brother, slinging an arm around him.

"Y-you want to read this?" She asked, stammering from the chattering of her teeth. Olive came unprepared for the cold weather, certainly the snow. Although she wore boots, she didn't wear thick socks, and only a thin jumper and windbreaker- things she mostly wore in the spring and early summer months.

"Yeah!" Fred exclaimed, "If you let us."

"You two read?"

"No..." George shrugged.

"But that is some good literature." Fred smiled.

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