Chapter 2: Brother Dearest

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Walking along the lively markets of the next town, I can’t help but be reminded by all the people I had left behind to go on a journey just like my brother had. There really was no plan at all in my supposedly awesome adventure. Really, it was just eat, sleep, travel, and work for money. I missed him lots, he was the sort of person that everyone liked, though he was very social, he spent much of his time in Mr. Anderwood’s private collection of books. He had a very impressive collection of books, ranging from the awe inspiring trilogy of Wren, to the hand written scrolls telling the legends of the dragons. Even when I was six, and my brother was ten, he always was talking about the pirates who ruled the Great Seas, and the Asian Emperors and Empresses who were cruel and cunning. The magnificent stories had captured my attention countless times, but I had heard not a single story about dragons from him.

Before my brother had begun his adventure, he left a map of every single transcendent point he was going to pass. I breathed a sign of disappointment, as I had forgotten to take it with me or at least a copy so that I could perhaps try to catch up with him. “Hey! Henry!” I swung him up to face me, “If he only was going to visit the great cities on the European continent and he had prolly about an year to go to all of them, he would be back at Apphiren right?” He only yawned in the sunlight, but that just added to my excitement. “And if we are to make the next train, we got to go uh...” I brought my wrist up to eye level, “Yikes! That means it leaves in 3 minutes! We got to go now! I can tell you all about him on the train.”

“Phew!” I wiped the drop of sweat on my brow off, “We barely just made train with all our limbs intact.” I stumbled as the train started moving once more. “Kind of.” I muttered as I sank down into a seat and looked around. There were few people on this section, and the few were all sleeping. “You know,” yawning in the lazy sunlight; the storm from the other day was driven away, “It’s been an year since I ran away after him. I can’t believe I haven’t run into him yet.” Her head dropped with a soft sigh; dust motes covering her lashes. Henry meowed impatiently, but curled up on his seat anyways.

                    A slim figure made her way down the passage, her dainty feet padded forwards with the help from the train seats. Even with her hands pressed to her side, a small blue stain slowly blossomed. Her face was scrunched up in confusion until she saw the human named Anita. Her footsteps quickened then stopped, a sad smile showed her small perfect teeth. "I regret what led me to do this," she cupped her face with an elegant hand, "but do this I must." A tear made its way down her regal face. "I will give you both gifts to aid you on your journey, your ability to harness air is now tenfold what its fated strength was, and to you, feline brother, and the ability to speak and read all tongues." She cast the spells using the last of her magic; embracing the pair who still slept peacefully, "You have blessings from Odette of Aishmareque. You have the entire clan of faithful Aishmareque behind you. Just remember never to use your power for evil purposes; it could very well be the end of you." The fae could feel her strength slowly sapping away. Someone had closed the portal, and locked it. Only humans could help, human children to be specific. She slowly released them, though not before pressing her hands on the child's shoulder and the beast's rump leaving a shiny blue sheen to mark them. "Farewell, mayhaps we will meet again, Anita of Apphiren." She mumbled before collapsing, her immobile body immediately shrinking and teleported out to the forests, where all fae had their last breath. 

                    Only the faint shimmer and gleaming marks on their bodies told that she was ever there.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2011 ⏰

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