Welp I'm screwed

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Yup, I was tagged so I guess I have to say 13 fact or things about myself. So I guess we can get to it... hum.....
So rules first.
1. The people I tag may do this. It is their choice ya know.
2. You have to have at least 13 facts or statements about yourself.
3. Tag as many people as you want.
4. And to the people I tag, go hog wild with your rules.
5. Oh, and have fun with it.

1. I am a rare breed. Yup, I'm a red head.
2. I own no pets but I do watch over any I find.
3. I'm a middle child. I have a older brother who I've only seen three times in my while life and a little sister who won't leave me alone for anything. I love her tho.
4. I'm goin to be 15, in October (of 2016)
5. I have a small group of friends most are guys.
6. I'm a girl if people truly wanted to know.
7. I'm a huge fan of games. Even though I don't own or have ever used a gaming system before.
8. I'm a huge comic book geek.
9. I'm left handed. Because of a birth defect.
10. I have a birth defect call: amniotic band syndrome. Or abs. It's on my right hand an left foot.
11. I have been on kruches for nearly two years.
12. I found out that I had a deadly infection in my left foot two days after my birthday.
13. My lymphatic tissue is damaged from so many surgeries. I am in pain every day. The bright side is my body has gotten use to it, so the only time a feel real pain is when a "normal" person would be in so much pain they would not want to walk. This all happens in my left foot.
14. ( I know, I know, I was only supposed to put thirteen down but I have a ocd with even numbers.) Any way every day people see me smile, ever if I'm about to cry. I always find something to smile about. Oh and I'm thinkin about getting a keltic knot tattoo on my right wrist.



I was tagged by the wonderful and magnificent:


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