I was instantly taken back by the cold breezes up here. I looked around and noticed Ashton looking up into the sky. I looked up and I was surprised by all the stars you could see from this high up. "Come over here." Ashton said, taking my hand again. He led me over to the edge. There was a boundary along the edges that was bout 6 feet tall. You know, so no one falls. We walked over and I gasped at the view.

You could literally see every aspect of Las Veags. The hotels, the bright city lights, the racing cars on the highways, the quiet neighborhoods scattered about, the mountains in the distace. It was absolutely beautiful.

"How do you find this stuff?" I asked. Ashton shrugged and smiled. "I don't know," He repiled. "I just like views I guess."

I continued to look at the city below us, and I felt on top of the world. This building had to be at least 250 feet tall. It was random, but I could see Ashton coming up here a lot. Ashton leaned slightly towards the open air and I grabbed his forearm.

"You know you shouldn't get too close to the edge." I told him. "You could fall."

"Yeah, you're right." Ashton agreed, stepping back with me. He sighed tiredly and wrapped his warm arms around my waist from behind the rested his chin on my head. I could feel the steady beat of his heart against my back as we stood in silence for a couple minutes, just looking at the city below us.

"I'm sorry I'm so awkward." Ashton said, breaking the quietness. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Have you seen me?" I laughed.

"I'm serious!" Ashton laughed as well. "Its just.. I don't know. Its never been like this for me. Its always been like, a one time thing and that girl never talks to me again. Its weird for me, because I've never been actually nervous around a girl..or anyone, for that matter."

"I know what you mean," I replied. "For me, its always been school, school, school. I always cared so much about that stuff I never wasted my time on guys because I didn't think it mattered. I got so caught up in Nick because I thought he was actually a good guy. When he asked me out, I felt so special, because thats never happened to me before."

I felt Ashton nod, as his chin was still rested on my head.

"I feel stupid, because I didn't even ask you out on a date or anything."

"Pft, Ashton," I assured. "You were right there for me when Nick played me last week, and you got my mind off everything and I actually had so much fun, and you told me so many things that made me honored to know about you."

My mind went back to last week. It was only a week ago that I thought I had a chance with Nick. It was only a week ago that Ashton and I had fought, and I was too naive to believe anything he was saying. Just thinking of everything that has happened in the past 6 or 7 days made my head hurt.

"Its amazing," I said. "How much can change in such a short amount of time."

"Well, you know what they say." Ashton said.

"What do they say?" I asked.

"You know, about life being a chase and all."

What the hell was this boy talking about.

"Ashton are still drunk?" I joked.

"I'm serious! Think about it..." His voice trailed off. "...Nothing ever stays the same, things are always changing, we're always moving, we're always running our asses off, metaphorically of course, to get things done and quench that thirst we have for sucess and happiness. Like, people just ignore the actual things in life that make it worth living to just get the things that don't mean shit. I know, I sound like a hippie whos done way too much crack, but its true."

I tilted my head to the side, and thought about it for a minute. It was actually very true, and I can relate to this alot.

I've always had that drive, to be perfect. To get good grades and do the right thing and be just a boring, suburban teenager who took things too seriously. Last week, I was caring about Nick, going to his stupid party and obviously not taking enough time to get to know this guy and learn that he's a complete jerk because I was so caught up in the fact that a popular, rich, preppy boy "liked" me. Going to Michael's house tonight with Ashton, and just lettng myself go and not caring what anyone thought because everyone was excepting of it was so much better than I would have ever thought it would be.

Ashton's words sounded beautiful coming out of his mouth. I felt bad for the way I completely underestimated him in the beginning, because of the way he dressed and the way he acted and the way he lived. Turns out, he's a brilliant person. Sure, math isn't his thing, But just the way he says things like this absolutely amazes me.

"I'm glad this happened." I said after an extremely long pause.

"Tonight?" He asked. I looked up and met my gaze with his.

"No..well yes, but....just, everything." I leaned up and locked my lips with his again. We untangled our arms from eachother and he took my hand. "We should get going," He said. "Its cold as fuck up here."

We laughed and ran down the flights and flights of stairs.

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