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Juuzou have been loving sweets for a long long time. 

His favorite sweets shop was placed in a quite corner of the 13 ward, next to a little flowers shop. He liked to come to that shop every day after work, when he had the time of course. 

One day, after shopping some sweets with his partner, Shinohara said "I need to get flowers for my wife's birthday" and with that the two walked into that little flower shop. 

"Welcome" A warm smile greeted the two and Juuzou immediately froze in his place. 


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"Good evening, can you please help me choosing a bouquet of flowers for my wife?" Shinohara said with a warm smile as well and the girl nodded. 

"We have Lily, they have this very beautiful shade" She said, showing the boys the flowers, "And here we got some roses and daises. Jasmine flowers are blooming incredibly this year, so I recommend them" The girl smiled. 

But Juuzou's eyes were set on something else - on the sun flowers she was holding. 
"They are my favorite" The girl said as she walked next to him. Juuzou studied every move she made. 

"They are very beautiful" But he thought she was beautiful. 

"Do you like sunflowers too?" Asked the girl but received only a confused look from the confused boy who didn't understand what was happening inside of him. 
Thinking she said something wrong she looked down and apologized, feeling uncomfortable and shamed. 
"I think I will take the red roses please" Shinohara said, trying to break the hot air. The girl nodded and swiftly made the bouquet and sold it. 
"Thank you very much" Said Shinohara as she handed the bouquet to him. 

"Your welcome, have a nice day" She smiled at the two and with that they walked out of the shop. 

"What was that just now?" Shinohara asked as he and Juuzou were walking down the street. 

"Huh?" Juuzou humed as he tilt his head to the side. 
"Come on, that girl tried to be nice to you and you scare her" He explained. 

"Scare her?" Juuzou was confused, "How?" 

"Looking at her the way you did and not talking made her feel uncomfortable. that's not nice" 

Juuzou just shrugged his shoulders and kept walking. 

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