10. Meet the Family

Start from the beginning

"What happened?" Elliot asked. They turned to look at us. Austin spoke up.

"Well, you know Nixon get weird in the morning, so he bet me I couldn't take him in a fight, so I tried, and won. Obviously."

I stifled a chuckle that was threatening to escape from the back of my throat. Austin caught me, and winked.

"What is that loud noise?" a female voice asked. A woman walked out. She had greyish eyes, like Nixon, and curly brown hair that reached a bit past her shoulders.

"Nixon, I told you, if you bring a girl home, she's out of my house by 5 am." she said, looking at me. Austin fell over in tears. I looked at her horrified.

"Ma"am, I'm not..." I tried to say, but she cut me off, and gestured me to the door. Elliot was trying to hide a laugh now.

"Honey, what's going on in here, it's only 6:30," a gruff voice asked. I looked to see a tired Mr. Summers.

"I HEARD A LOUD BANG!" A different voice called out. I looked to see a guy in his late 20s with a baseball bat in his hand. He had a black t-shirt and boxers on. He didn't look related to any of the family though. But holy crap, he was buff.

"You're late," I muttered. He glared at me.

"Who's she?" he asked. I was about to answer but the woman beat me to it.

"Just another one of Nixon's little buddies. Nixon, she's gorgeous, but her tattoos make her look like a hooker. Did you hire a hooker? How expensive was she?" Nixon was chuckling at this point, and Elliot was on the floor in silent laughs. Mr. Summers looked like he was trying to stifle a laugh.

"I'm.... not a hooker," I said to her. Mr. Summers finally spoke up, thank god.

"She's the new bodyguard dear, remember?" he said. She looked at me in realization.

"Omygosh I'm sorry, I just thought, don't worry, you don't look like a hooker," she began to apologize.

"It's fine, no worries," I replied. I was about to die of laughter anyway.

"Well, Scarlett, I'll get you introduced. This is Elliot, Austin, Nixon, my wife Carol, and my wife and I's bodyguard, Blaze. Everyone, this is Scarlett, our new bodyguard for the boys. I found her in need of a job, and she's a perfect fit." he said.

"But I'm your bodyguard," Blaze complained. Doesn't look like he wants a new friend, now, does he? "Can she even take someone down? She's a girl."

"I bet I can take you down" I said.

"Try me." he offered. I offered him a "you're on" expression. He led me downstairs to the backyard, with the family trailing in amusement. Carol decided to go make breakfast. I looked at the boys. I could tell only Austin was expecting me to win. I stood across from Blaze, and looked into his emerald eyes.

"Rules. No kicking, okay? First on that makes the other give up wins," he says.

"And, go!" Nixon said. He rushed towards me to grab me and flip me over but I dodged him, swinging my feet under his, causing him to stumble. I put my arm and around his neck and tumbled him to the ground. He managed to get on top of me, but I used the scissor method to swirl him around and get myself on top. I punched him in the jaw, but he managed to get back up. He took a swing at me, but I dodged and grabbed his hand, twisting it, and ultimately taking him down and he yelled in pain.

"Fine, fine, fine, you win," he said, as I let him go. He looked at me and took another swing. I caught his wrist, and kneed him in the balls.

"Now, I win," I said to him. I left him without a scratch on my body.

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