The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty-two

Start from the beginning

I found this new motherly side of Faith comforting, she was so much like my mother. If I could I stay in her arms like this forever but I couldn’t. We slowly got up and headed towards the pack house. When we got there Faith took me round to the tree outside Tyler room. We climbed it and snuck into the house. She gave me one last hug by my door before she disappeared again. I stepped into my room and made my way to the shower once again. I turned on the water and climbed in, finding comfort in the warm water hitting my skin. As I started to feel myself falling to sleep I turned off the shower, got dressed and climbed into bed. Hoping that my dreams were happier than my reality.


(Faith’s POV)

    I didn’t want to leave Mia alone in the house with Wyatt but I need to get some answers from Tyler. As soon as my feet hit the floor I sprinted off back towards the others. For some strange reason running felt laboured and I was tiring a little, hopefully it’s just a stress thing. Perhaps after this is all over everything would get back to normal, I will go back to normal. It’s almost as though this is aging me before my time. I have this crazy urge to mother Mia even though she is only a few years younger than me. Maybe one day I’ll have my own little cubs I can look after, love and protect. That will have to wait until this is all over, then me and Antonio can settle down and start our own family together.

     “Right Tyler Michael White answers now!” I shouted as I broke through the treeline.

They all suddenly stopped whatever they were doing and turned to stare at me.

    “Faith calm down, I can explain everything just wait a minute.” He replied.

     “Now Tyler I want answers now. Everyone seems to know what’s going on except for me. If I’m going to be able to help you guys I need to know everything.” I snapped sounding a little aggressive.

     “Jeez Faith moody much.” Tyler said with a smirk on his lips. “Look just let me help Antonio and Lucia sort out Luca and Layla.”

I looked over at him and stamped my foot, like a toddler and crossed my arms over my chest. It wasn’t a good enough answer, I hated being in the dark about something.

     “Tyler go talk to her I’ve got this covered. Looking at her she’s going to explode if you don’t explain.” Antonio said quickly chuckling slightly.

I just glared and poked my tongue out at him, he just laughed at me. I couldn’t help but smile back at him; he always knows how to make me smile. He always makes me feel good. Our eyes were locked on each other and I couldn’t take my eyes away from him. I bit my lower lip and my eyes slower travelled down to his lips. The taste of his lips right now would definitely make me feel better.

     “For god sake Faith get a room, I thought you wanted me to explain things.” Tyler said form beside me.

I felt my cheeks heat up and I quickly glanced back at Antonio, He was smirking at me again.

    “Later sexy.” I heard him say in my mind as he winked at me.

    “You had better mean that mister.” I replied smirking back at him.

     “Oh honey I mean it, I’ll always mean it. You don’t know how good you look right now.” He said.

    “Faith enough with the wet daydreams, come on.” Tyler said getting my attention.

    “I’m coming.” I replied.

I turned away from Antonio and the other and followed Tyler towards the rocks at the water’s edge. He sat down and I sat down beside him. I watched as he picked up some stones and skimmed them across the water.

    “Where do I start? Well do you remember that fight I had with my dad, that one where it started to rain and you joked about me being able to control the weather?” he asked turning towards me.

     “Of course I do, but what does that have to do with anything?” I asked feeling a little confused.

    “Well…” he said shrugging at me.

    “Tyler what are you trying to tell me.” I asked not any clearer on the situation.

Suddenly I felt rain drops in my skin. I looked over at him and he was smirking at me.

     “I can control the weather. I’m chosen.” He replied.

     “What? You’re chosen as in the chosen?” I asked feeling overwhelmed.

     “Yes I’m chosen and so are Lucia and Layla. Lucia can control emotions, mainly males’ emotions towards her. I reckon with a little more practice and understanding she will become stronger. And Layla, she can read minds. Of course Antonio knows about Lucia and Luca about Layla. They didn’t know about me but I filled them in while you were gone.” He said turning back towards the water.

     “That doesn’t make any sense, according to all the legends there are only ever two chosen Lycan’s. How can there be three?” I asked.

What surprised me more though was that Tyler looked just as confused as me.

     “I never knew that. I guess we’re more special than I thought we were.” He said slowly turning towards Lucia and Layla, looking deep in thought.

My head was spinning with all this new information, how could Tyler be a chosen without me noticing? Why hadn’t Antonio told me about Lucia, I thought we didn’t keep secrets from each other? Why are there three chosen Lycan’s, all of the legends only ever mention there ever being two chosen Lycan’s at one time? There has to be an explanation. All the legends state that the chosen are connected to each other, that in some cases they are mates. But with there being three of them how could that work. They can’t all be mates, that’s impossible. Suddenly I felt a familiar presence beside; I turned to see that Tyler was gone and that Antonio was now sat beside me. His eyes looked welcoming and full of love, love for me.

    “How do you feel about heading back?” he asked stroking my arm suggestively.

    “Maybe but what about the others? What about Luca?” I asked.

    “Tyler is going to stay here with them tonight and then Lucia is going to take over in the morning. She is going to bring them some more food and clothes. Then in the evening we get to take over. Everything will be fine, they will be fine. Now come on, believe I have something I have to do.” He said leaning over and brushing his lips over my mark behind my left ear.

I bit my bottom lip again and grabbed his hand, dragging him back towards the pack house. Tonight I just wanted to enjoy myself and fall asleep in Antonio’s arms. I wanted him to make all the bad things go away just for tonight.     

The girl who cried wolf ( PG13 version)Where stories live. Discover now