Going on a job

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Finally I got them separate now the rest of the story

Lucy prov

Boy its quite here since afew hours I should probably do something about this

Lucy:hey Levi did u know u can get money here

Levi:how exactly

Lucy:well u *go to the board*u go here and pick a job

Levi:lets see I want to start if easy

Help villagers in villa villa r scared of monster in forest please help us 173j

How about this one

Lucy:ok *gets it* now u can ether go by your self or with a team

Levi:*snaps his fingers*eren


Levi:since I'm in changed of u your coming with me

Mikasa:I'm coming to

Armin:we stick together

Lucy:ok well I guess u have a team here what your team going to be named

Mikasa:how about burning words

Levi:that actually has a nice ring to it we will take that name

Lucy:grate Mira

Mira:ya what up

Lucy:there going to form a team

Mira:ok its Levi,eren,mikasa,and armin ok and what's the name going to be

All:Burning words

Mira:ok all set what you mission

Lucy:this *gives them the mission Levi chose*

Mira:ok when r u going

Levi:now will be fine

Mira:ok grab your stuff and since your new here have 4 bento 100j and get your stuff your good to go

Levi:*gets the stuff*here yager *gives it to eren* lets go *all get there gear and leave*

Lucy:ok who is next

*later every one is in a team and hardly any one is in the gild*

Levi prov

Ok so far so good where just walking in a forest a creepy forest and literally the trees have faces wow so scary

Armin:captain when r we getting there

Mikasa:we r just looking for the monster

*something steps in a stick*

Armin:what was that

Levi:there's nothing on awer feet

Mikasa:every one get ready to fight

Hanji prov

Ok so what I have is there bin titan sightings and have bin eating people here so if we get lucky I can experiment on one

Erwin:hanji do u think we will survive since this is new land

Hanji:we will be fine don't worry


Hanji:what was that

Erwin:a titan perhaps

*found the titan*

Hanji:hello there


Hanji:did u here what I just did


Hanji:*writes it down* what your name


Hanji:max ay *wright it down* I'm hanji and this is Erwin

Titan:h-hanji a-and e-e-Erwin

Hanji:ya we Hurd u have bin a bad titan have u bin a bad titan

Titan:*shakes his head no*

Hanji:tell me the truth I wont hurt cha

Erwin:I would be careful

Titan:*crawls *

Hanji:*pats titans head* aw see u made him mad there there *hugs it* so have u bin a dad titan

Titan:*shakes his head yes* me s-s-sorry

Hanji:aw that ok

This is amazing now I have a titan friend and can do any thing to it

Annie prov

Ok now to fin the strawberries

Sasha:Annie do we only need to find the golden strawberries


Sasha:I think I see them *points to them*


Yeti:*stops them*

Anime:finally some action *makes a spear with her ice

Sasha:*makes a bow and arrow* ok lets get this done

Marco prov

I'm scared I'm shivering of being both cold and scared I'm going to die

Jean:hey Marco u scared

Cony:or cold

Marco:no I'm dancing not shivering *I gave them a really look*

Jean:here *gives him his blanket and gives him his earphones and plays by accident die young*

Marco:this is my jam

so while your here in my arms lets make the most like where gona die young

Jean and cony:ummm Marco

Marco:what what's wrong

Lucy prov

Finally the mission is over *had to do a delivery to one mountain to another mountain*

Rogue:hey guys

Lucy:hey rogue what r u doin here

Rogue:where is Levi I want to be friends with him so cuz what we did was fun

Levi:where ba-oh your here

Rogue:hey u want to be friends and do more sing offs

Levi:...Hell ya!!!! *both run out*

*later every one gets drunk because of Mira*

End of chapter

Sorry guys but...

WAAAAAAAAAAAA my friend dared me to put lemon's in my stories (just 8) and the last one has to be very f***ked up *crys some more* and she chose this one to have that lemon *crys even more*but i will tell u when its starts and ends ok so don't u worry your ears and imagination will still be virgin

(ok that part was weird but who cares I'm weird to)

Any way have to hurry and make it *oh and that's y I put later mira made every one drunk* so b-bye

(oh and *forgetting alot of things* I had to do the dare because if I don't do it I rather have to be her servant for a week or give her 30$ like hell I'm doing that)

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