"But they do not suit the usual image of a Decepticon too..."

"Even if so, they can not be trusted. At least, not yet. FirstAid, you are a good mech, but try to understand that for safety the suspicion sometimes is the must."

Ratchet was trying to reason him, to make FirstAid understand but then his student asked something...

"Is it not what Soundwave does?"

And that caught the CMO out of guard. FirstAid continued,

"They do not trust us - they are also suspicious. And -well, that is understandable, they are on Autobot base now and... Shouldn't we try to make the first step and show that they can trust us?"

And that was a very wise thing to be said by a mechling of FirstAid's age... Ratchet couldn't but agree that Soundwave kept and might keep her acting the same way if the question of trust was actually the reason. In fact, that was logical.

Even Prowl would agree.

But there was something the medic could not ignor.

"I fear that not all Autobots are as optimistic as you are, FirstAid." Ratchet stated with a slight disappointment in his tone. Autobots were not perfect. "If her acting is based on suspension and wish for safety, I fear that Soundwave is doing a right thing. Not everyone is keen on their presence..."

And 'not keen on' was actually too nice to describe Magnus' and Sentinal's thought on the matter.

"Will they stay?"

Ratchet looked at FirstAid,"I don't know that..."

"Optimus Prime won't force them leave," the young medic stated with confidence.

"Of course, he wouldn't..." That was Ratchet answer, however he found it difficult to imagine Soundwave and Ravage freely walking thought the corridors of the Autobot base...


Orange optics slowly closed and opened again, as the youngling turned for the hundred time. The room was almost silent, the quit engine vibrations coming from his recharging family members made the foreignness of the room rather calming. Frenzy moved again. He looked at Ravage's still form lying by the wall, then he looked back at the higher panel of the two-leveled berth his twin was sleeping at.

Rumble was deep in recharge.

The red-armored youngling tiredly rubbed his optics with frustration.

He was bored. He was tired. Yet he was the only one somehow unable to sleep!

Frenzy was annoyed to say the least.

His twin enjoying the dreams, the youngest mechling wished he could call him a traitor. But he knew how foolish that would be.

The quite lulling humming of the warm engines was creating an atmosphere of peace. Peace he couldn't force himself to enjoy.

Frenzy turned on his chassis and lied his chin on crossed servos. With a deep slow quite sign he half-closed his orange optics. He just couldn't relax his processor and with a lack of recharge came a sad realization of tomorrow's helmache.

His optics flinched at Soundwave's figure. She was lying on the berth by the wall's side. The dim light coming from the window just over her was sliding, brightening the dark blue armor.

The young attentive gaze searched for any sign of movement.

Failure. And Frenzy's gaze flinched away- just for a click. The optics drifted at his caretaker again, as somthing rolled in the youngling's spark.

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