Team Mission!!

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"Hey, wake up." Toru's shoulder had been shook, yet he didn't budge from his slumber. He shifted on his side, turning his back to his twin.

"Hey Dingus, get up!" A rougher shake, yet the same results. Mutechi huffed, stepping back for a second before lunging at the sleeping boy and tackling him. Toru screeched, scrambling to get up as Mutechi pulled the blanket off.

"I'M AWAKE NOW!" Toru hissed, nearly falling down as he rushed to his closet and pulled out his ninja attire. The ruckus that the twins stirred had awakened their little sister, who walked out of her room and glared at them through squinted eyes. Both boys shuddered, feeling her cold stare piercing through them.

"So, we have to leave in ten minutes," Mutechi said. "I don't know how you overslept, I heard your alarm go off." Toru looked around, finding his phone on the charger. He looked at the screen, then sighed.

"I hit snooze.."

The boys picked up their backpacks, walking to the living room. Shila was wrapped up in a blanket next to their father, who was looking over his lesson plans for the day. Shibi was taking a walk around the compound.

"Toru," Shino said, his eyes still on the booklet. "There's some snacks packed up in the kitchen. Take those because you missed breakfast." Toru was about to say something before his dad added, "Your brother already got his earlier."

"Thanks Dad," Toru yawned, shaking away the last ounce of sleep that still clung to him. The kid back-tracked his mind, seeing if he'd forgotten something. With a slight raise of his brow, he smoothed down his rustled hair as he recalled not brushing his hair.

"Kyoshi said she'd meet us at the villlage gates," Mutechi spoke up.

"Is she going with Sensei, or do you not know?" To be fair, she doesn't tell them half of the things she does.

"I don't." Mutechi tightened the straps on his pack, nudging his brother to make sure he was alert. "Anyways, we should go. We're already running late as it is." The brothers waved off to their father and little sister, who was still a little bitter about her awakening. The morning sun was bright, and though he was wearing his sunglasses Toru couldn't help but squint his eyes at the light. Mutechi remained unbothered as he slipped his shoes on and walked down the steps.

As they neared the gates, the boys felt uneasy at the peace and quiet. The wind blew, lightly rustling the leaves. Birds sang their songs. A rather nice day, but they felt heavy at the thought that their teammate was not there yet. Toru tried to push his worries away, noting that there were plenty of normal circumstances their friend could've been dealing with. His insects could tell, though, that he was anxious about Kyoshi's absence. They buzzed about within him, preparing to attack anything at command.

Then, a strange presence made the pair stop at their tracks. In an instant the twins were back-to-back, a small swarm of kikaichu beetles sent around the area. Mutechi pulled out a kunai, Toru wielding a couple of throwing stars. The leaves still danced; birds continued their lullabies, but the air was contaminated with tension from an unknown enemy. Toru's anxieties heightened, as seen by the barely noticable tremors in his fingers. They stayed like this for a fre moments, looking around the trees. Mutechi listened for footsteps or breathing. The beetles finally returned. No threat was found.

Sighing, Toru put his stars back and squeezed his hands to make them relax.

"Probably some kid or a stray dog," Mutechi scoffed, brushing off the fact that he was on guard as well. "You know how that goes." Toru shrugged, pushing his glasses up.

"Could've been anything, really." Toru felt that they were being followed during the whole time they stood in defense. His insects said that there wasn't a threat, but they didn't say that there wasn't someone around. Toru's hive knew to be specific when it came to these kinds of things. "There could still be something."

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