"Perfect." She smiled and walked towards me. "Now I want you to close your eyes." I did as she said. "Now concentrate on what's around you. Feel one with the nature. Their sounds, smell, touch, take it all in. Calm your mind. Be at peace as if everything is in your control." I tried feeling the nature around me but failed. I tried concentrating harder, as I visualized the things around me but nothing worked. "Hailey feel as if there's only you in the world, surrounded completely by nature and its warmth. Feel as if when you sit looking at it all you feel is serenity." Esmeralda whispered. As she said this I thought of the one place I felt safe. The small lake in the forest flashed in front of eyes. I first concentrated on the water, letting its gentle waves and ripples consume my mind. I suddenly felt a tingling sensation on my fingers as if I just dipped them in cold water. I knew I had made a connection.

Next I focused my mind on the soft wet grass and the damp soil on the edge of the lake. It smelled heavenly and refreshing and at that moment the ground beneath my feet felt as if I was standing on the most soft and fertile soil. I wriggled my toes and had to force myself from opening my eyes to see if there was really such a soft and sweet smelling soil underneath. I then thought of the air around that lake. How it gently caressed my fur and carried those different mind blowing smells. A light touch of the wind ruffled my hair and I knew I had connected with it too. I felt my heart pick up its pace as this new sensation spread through out my body.

Last I looked up at the huge ball of fire. The sun always gave me that slight feeling of warmth and security and loved it just like the moon but lesser than in comparison. I felt the heat envelope me and the warmth spreading through my veins. I smiled and took a deep breath and brought all these together in my mind and the feeling that spread through my body and soul was surreal. It was as if I was in that place feeling everything with my bare hands. A certain joy came over me and I laughed lightly feeling overwhelmed. As I opened my eyes tears of joy escaped.

I looked around and suddenly the beauty around me intensified. It was so fantastic. My eyes fell on Esmeralda and I was sure my faced said it all. She smiled widely. "You have completed the bonding with nature. Every witch does this when she first crosses the age to use magic. This is the first step and no one I know of has ever succeeded to bond in the first try, except your father of course. You Hailey are so strong willed just like your father." She said proudly. The news that I was like my father made my heart swell in happiness.

"Well now let's begin the next step. Hailey this may be difficult but don't give up. We have to be really sure that you do or don't posses all elements. Now lift your hands in front of you." I did so as she came near me and touched my hands. She turned them so my palms were facing upward. Slightly bending my elbow, she made my fingertips face each other but not quite letting them touch. My palms were now facing me and I stared at her in bewilderment. Before I could open my mouth to question her, she answered, "This sweet Hailey is the beginner's position to practice magic. Later when you master the basic spells you will learn to perform magic trough your fingertips or even better just using your mind, but currently the use of both your arms is needed in the beginning. Now close your eyes again." Nodding, I closed my eyes again.

Midnight Luna (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now