Chapter 17: Howdy Partner

Start from the beginning

Narrowing my eyes over my shoulder Devyn had her head rested on the desk. Great, looks like I'm going to be doing this project all alone. I don't bother to wake Devyn up — Mrs. Taylor could gladly wake up her student. I walked over to the only available lab station with my notebook and pencil and pulled out the stool. There were two girls with braces and clear goggles sitting across from me but I don't acknowledge them any further. I sweep my eyes over the glass cylinder cups, the goggles and the rest of the equipment. As I'm doing this I glance over at Devyn just briefly Mrs. Taylor shook Devyn out of her sleep.

Shaking my head, I stand upward and reached over on the window sill and collected the color, we are going to be using to purify the water, along with the dirt. I sit back down in my seat and glanced over. Devyn was sitting in the stool smirking.

"Howdy partner." Devyn announced flatly.

I just smile — without showing any teeth — and opened my notebook and began writing down my hypothesis. Feeling a pair of eyes on me I glanced out of the corner of my eye.

"Ar-are you going to help?" I asked.

Devyn shrugged carelessly. I continued writing that I thought that by constructing a distillation apparatus it will purify the polluted water. Then I ask myself some questions. Will our distilled water be colorless? Will our distilled water be free of odors? Will it be free of salts? Those would be some questions we would have to ask later on in the project though.

Instantly I see Devyn turn on the gas sink and hurriedly I turned it off.

"We don't need that for this." I assured her before continuing on with writing the formulas and information needed for this certain assignment.

"Look, you aren't going to be a disagreeable partner are you?" Devyn snapped rolling her eyes over at me. I bit inside my jaw. "You just need to relax."

When it came to projects and school relaxing was the last thing on my mind. "No. I need to le-learn this."

"Because why?" Devyn wondered in a sarcastic tone.

"Well," I mumbled tapping my pencil on the black, lab station with all of our equipment. "This is worth a big part of our grade this can either make or break us this semester. And with college right around the corner, in case you haven't noticed, I need to really make this count."

"Oh — college. Right, how could I fucking forget? Where are you going Harvard? Yale?" Devyn sardonically spat.

"I don't think that re-really matters." I whispered underneath my breath before standing upward and turning on the water and filling the cylinder with water. "Okay, we need to fill these glasses with dihydro-gen monoxide and this one with soil and pigment." I explained pointing to the equipment.

"Gotta make it count right?" Devyn muttered.

"Yeah, well — kinda helpful if you want a job, that is, if you want to be successful in life." I explained putting my goggles on my face and scooping some pigment into the water carefully.

"A job? To be successful? How fabulous." Devyn irritably snapped. She reached over me scooping the hue into the water and placed her goggles on her face. She then began constructing what she thought was the right thing.

I began focusing my attention on the soil filling up in the water. I sniffled and gazed over at my partner. There was smoke coming from the gas sink with the cylinder placed directly under it. I stopped measuring out the amount the directions told me to and gasped. What did she just do? Hurriedly I stoop upward and reached to turn the gas off but I guess the pressure from the gas was too powerful and the glass cylinder burst into pieces.

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