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Put the guitar down small Asian boy

"My butt is numb!" I yell throughout the music store.

"Poppy!" Nari yells from where she is reorganizing CD's. Nari Lee has been my best friend ever since I moved to South Korea when I was two. She was perfect. She was tall with long dark brown hair. She looked like the perfect Korean model.

And than there's me. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm ugly, I just stick out here. My eyes are rounder and my skin is darker. My untamable curls that seem to take over my head and I'm unreasonably short. Some people think I'm just a tourist but I've lived here almost my whole life.

"What? There is no one in here. How is this dump still in business." I groan playing with the cash register. My butt was still numb and the numbness seemed to go down to my legs.

"My legs are numb!" I announce making Nari laugh. I look through my phone to see mostly American music. I know I live in Korea and I love it but the music doesn't really appeal to me. I mostly listen to American boy bands and indie pop singers.

I choose a song called 'R U Crazy' and play it. Nari groans and drops her head. She hates when I play my music.

"Turn it off!" Nari demands.

"No, Kpop sucks so I'm playing this!" I yell.

"There! Ain't no need to cry no more when you break my heart into, twenty four!" I sing in American getting on my feet. I wobble a little from my lower body being numb but I quickly regain my posture.

"Make it stop!" Nari said covering her ears even though she says no idea what I'm saying.

"I'll! Pick up the pieces you left if you think I'm coming back, don't hold your breathe." I sing sashaying over to her dramatically. Nari had a huge smile of her face and her eyes went wild.

"Don't call mister! Cause I'm broken up with cha, should've hooked up with ya sister, there's my middle finger!" I sing. I turn around and stick up my middle finger. But here's the funny part, someone was standing there.

A group of boy with a shorter one in front with pink hair and holding a guitar. He didn't look shorter than me but he was still short.

"Um-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence because the pink haired boy in front charged at me swinging his guitar.

"Holy god." I mumble and run away. The boys friends were trying to stop him but he was fast. I ran out the store and down the street. I turn around to see the boy was still chasing me.

"Excuse me. Pardon me." I say nicely to some people down the street but they barley moved. I was trying to avoid death over here.

"Move it or loose it people!" I yell getting impatient. I got rude stares and a few profanities but that didn't matter.

I looked behind me to see the boy wasn't behind me anymore. I let out a sigh in relief and walked to the closet place I could find which was an outdoor food market.

I look around not really wanting anything till someone catches me eye. I catch his too. The small Asian boy found me and chases me again.

"Dang it!" I yell and run through the market. I run into an indoor food section but the boy corners me.

"Put the guitar small Asian boy!" I say. This kid looks what, eleven or twelve.

"You speak Korean?" He asked surprisingly. I roll my eyes at him.

"Yes, now look kid-" I begin to say.

"I'm eighteen." He say. Oh, I wasn't expecting that.

"Cool, I'm seventeen. Now look, I didn't mean to point my middle finger at you. It was just in the song and I'm sorry. Now, lower your weapon." I say eyeing the guitar. He just looked at me. That moment I got to see how attractive the boy actually was. I couldn't help but gape my mouth open. Good thing he wasn't eleven.

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