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So haaai, potatoe here, and this will be my first book/novel/whatever you want to call it. I've had this story in me for a while but never got to writing it down. This, means it's in Finn's dream. In this chapter/prologue I used this one to showcase a song. I might use this later somewhere, not sure yet. Words inbetween " usually showcase questions or real life talking. Either way, here's the prologue, hope you enjoy it~

A voice, echoing in my head, slowly growing in volume. A name, a familiar sounding name, yet so unfamiliar. A quick jolt of pain, followed by the voice. I finally identify the voice as male and try to open my eyes, a futile effort. Since when have I been laying on this cold, wet ground? A hand lightly caresses my face, yet I still can't open my heavy eyelids. It's as if they're glued to eachother. Breathing gives another jolt of pain and I flinch, a wheeze can be heard, is that me? It feels like I'm witnessing this from above, yet the pain feels so real as if I'm there... Another try to open my eyes pays off, I can open one eye a little, though it feels heavy. I see a silhouette bowing over me, and silver hair tickles my nose. As my one eye adjusts to the darkness it sees, I see the boy close up to me, making a grim face. His hand is still on my face as it slowly slides to my cheek. I want to ask him so much, but the questions I want to ask the most are; "Who are you? Where am I? Why do I feel this pain?" But all I can bring out is a cough and another wheeze. His lips move, but I don't catch his voice anymore. All I can think is; "What? What do you want to tell me? Why am I on the ground, fighting for my life?" I still see his lips move but all I hear is silence...and a song?... -Live for yourself, not for someone else. Live for yourself, like all the rebels-

These words woke me up, my favourite song, by my favourite band Stylo. Confused I stare at my dull room, at my bed, and finally at my alarm clock. 7:05 I should get ready for school. I hesitantly switch off my alarm, I kinda want to listen to it, but the dream made me so confused I couldn't get it out of my mind, again. Yes, I've had this dream before, an actual of 43 times now. And even after all those times, they still made me confused and ask the same questions, over and over. I slowly get out of bed and curse my black messy hair. As if it wants to mock me, it falls infront of my face. Annoyed I try to blow it away, yet it stubbornly returns to the same place. Those dreams though... I might need to go to a psychiatrist... As I think that I immediately wave the idea away, too much of a hassle. As I absentmindedly do my daily morning routine, I remember something, something that had entirely slipped my mind. Just as I think that, Alfred and Peter walk in, Peter having a small cake with a candle in his hand. That's what had slipped my mind, this will be my first day as an eighteen year old girl.

Writer's notes:
And that concludes the prologue, please let me know what you think of it, and tell me if there are mistakes. I'd like to improve my English, which is also why I wrote this in English~ The other updates (if I decide to continue this) will probably be longer, this was merely to introduce the reader to Finn and the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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