Chapter 5

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Well now I've got to make a decision.
Should I go up. Or should I stay here. It could be a trick. But I got to know. I've just got to.

Okay. As soon as I climb these stairs I'll know everything I need to. It's time. "Hey" he said. It was the first time I heard him talk. It was like ice was gabbed into me. However it felt nice. A change from everyone's hot  headed voices to a cold calm voice. I replied. He said "I'm Zach, where I was last year was like the purge. Death every single day.  My friend die to protect me.  That day a letter went to everyone. I was ignorant and did exactly what he said not to do. Then when I was about to be killed my friend jumped in front of me and he died instead even though I should of. Well enough about me... tell me about you're story".

Well mine is actually the same...

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