At The one

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After our little 'moment' in the room, I finally broke free and went downstairs. I rushed in my room, and got dressed in my black suit, with a white long sleeve underneath. I slipped on my shoes, and went for my tie. I tried to put it on, but I failed. It was a simple bow tie. I was just about to punch the wall, when I felt a warm hand place on mines.

"Since when guys get to do the ties?" She asked, taking the tie from my hand. She started to tie it, and with a ferpw twists, she was done.

"Wow. Was it that simple?" I asked, walking over to the mirror, and looking at to myself.

"Yeah, you just have to have the skills." She said, trailing her hands down my chest.

"Those in bed too." I added, and seeing her blush just drove me crazy.

"Can you explain this whole ball thing to me? Cause I'm just really mixed up right now." She asked, folding her arms.

"OK. Well, tonight, you are going to attend the binding of the soul ball.There, the gods will be binding our souls together as one. No one else can claim you afterwards. Tonight, I will be marking you as mine." I explained.

"This gods? I thought for vampires, their god was Satan. I always read that they were evil." She asked, raising an eyebrow. Her lips are so pink.

"No. We have our own gods, just like you hu!mans have your own. Anyways, I will have to turn you into a vampire first. In this world, we cannot marry a human as royals. It's in our law."

"Really? Wow. That's a …" she started, but was interrupted by a knock on the door. I walked over to it, and opened it to see mason standing there in a blue long dress, her hair loosely let go and a little bit of makeup.

"Hey brother. We need to be down in two minutes. The guests have already started to arrive." She said, before walking away.

I turned back, and closed the door behind me. "Time to go." I said, stretching my arm for her to take it. We linked arms and walked out of the room. I saw mom and dad and gave them a small smile. Olivia gave them one of her breathtaking smiles, and fretted them. And we began our journey.

With Olivia in my right hand, our arms linked together, we walked down the stairs to the ball. As royals, we are supposed to be the last to approach the ballroom. As the last person's name was called, the announcer soon announced the both of us.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to announce outr youngest prince, prince Jason Homer and his lovely soulmate, Olivia Lawrence." The announcer boomed.

Immediately, everyone began to clap and cheer. We slowly walked down the stairs, getting flirtatious looks from everyone in the crowd. As soon as we reached the bottom of the staircase, everyone came to gather around us, asking a lot of questions. I saw Mason from across the room, and she came walking over.

"Alright people. Clear out. Princess Mason coming through." She said, pushing people away. All I could do was laugh.

"Oh my goodness! You look beautiful Olivia. No wonder you're my brother's soulmate." She said, winking at Olivia.

"Uh,thanks?" She replied, more like a question.

"May, can you take Olivia to get a few refreshments? I've got some business to take care of." I said, letting go of her arm.

"Sure, whatever the brother needs." She sang.

I leaned close into Olivia's ear, and whispered

"Don't worry. I always finish what I start." I immediately saw the redness on her cheeks.

"Come on, we've got some things to do." She said, practically dragging Olivia away. I smiled, gave a quick wave, and left off.


After being dragged away by mason, we ended up at a bolding palace. She told me if I needed to be joined with her brother, I need to relax.

"Come on. Choose a ball." She said.

Now why does that sound so wrong?  Asked iv.
Mabey, because my inner voice is to corrupted to think good things. I shot back.

I walked over to the ball stand, and took my favorite color. The sky blue ball. I looked at it with awe, and picked it up. May went and picked up a pink ball.

"Seriously? Pink? Out of all the boring colors of the world?" I asked, folding my arms and rolled my eyes.

"What? You can't blame me, I was raised around boys. You should see my room." She complained.

"Sorry." I replied, holding my hanspds up in surrender.

Now, I may not know so much about bolling, but back when I was in the human world, I was the star boller of my class.

Mason picked up her ball, and hit all the, things(I don't know their names) down.

"Ha ha! Beat that you sore loser." She exclaimed.

"Oh it is on." I replied, running the ball.

Three minutes later.

"Ugh, why is it so hard to beat you!" Mason cried.

"Because, if you had listen to my advice, you wouldn't be the sore loser now. Besides, we've only been playing for three minutes." I said, putting down the ball.

"Yeah, but it feels like forever." She replied,putting down her ball also.

"Olivia? Where are you?" I heard Jason called.

"Here." I yelled, spotting him from across the room.

"Where have you been, I've been looking everywhere for you." He asked, sounding a little worried.

"Relax, I was always here. What's the matter?" I asked, walking over to him.

"It's time." He said simply. I nodded and walked over to him. I took in a deep breath and began to walk. With Jason in my right hand, he led me to the stage.

Its about to go down.

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