That's Your Mom?

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Dedicated to @calmiker


I think that i have explained enough. We were going downstairs, and i couldn't help but pry into her thoughts. What she thought suprised me alot.

'I couldn't help but stare at his perfectly made back. It made me want to reach out and touch it. I just can't resist looking at him. His perfectly looking eyes, those lips of his. Sometimes they make me feel to just grab him and kiss him away.'

By this time, I was blushing like crazy. Did she really think that of me? Was she just admiring me? No. She couldn't be. She didn't even want to look at me.

"You know I can read your mind right?" I said, looking over my shoulder to look at her. She strarted to blush which sent butterflies down my stomach.

"I'm sorry." She apologised. She looked so beautiful.

"Don't worry, I think you're beautiful too."I replied, and she started to blush again. Cute.

She was wearing a blue strapples dress that reached on her thigh, and black pumps. Is she fucking trying to kill me? I mean, a girl with so much ass, good size boobs, and flawless skin is so fucking hard to resist. Talk about her hips, lips…

"Jason? Is that your new girlfriend? She beautiful!" Exclaimed Mason, breaking my admiration.

Mason is my twin sister. She has always been there for me. She was my other half, and my best friend.

"Yes, may,this is my bride to be. Now where is mom? I can't seem to find her anywhere." I said, giving her a giggle.

"She is in her study." She said, walking over to olivia.


A blond haired girl, with pink sapphire eyes came walking over to me. She looked alot like jas.. Um, master Jason.

"That's because I'm his twin sister silly. Hi. My name is Mason." She said, sticking her hand out for me to shake it. I took her hand and told her my name.

"My name is Olivia. Nice to meet you." I said, smiling.

"Hmm. Manners. I like her already." She said, returning a smile.

"Anyways, mason, we have to find mom. See you later." He said, scooting away.

He led us to a huge double door painted in black with purple decorations to complete it. He was just about to push them ajar, when he asked,


"Ready." I said, lookoing at the floor.

He turned around and pushed the door open, to reveal a beautiful room. There were shelves of books on two xorners of the room. There were shelves, with a vase of beautiful flowers. In the middle of the room, there was a desk with a woman sitting around it in a big chair. Who was she. She looked three years younger than jason. Mabey, a friend?

"Jason, is that her? Ooh my goodness, she looks ravishing. Be careful dear, you might just find yourself falling over her." She said, nudging his side.

"Ugh. Anyways, i would like you to meet my bride. olivia, this is my mom." He said, making grstures with his hands, And my mouth fell to the floor.

"That's your mom?" I asked, shocked.

"Doesn't seem like it, does it?" She asked, smiling.

"No! You look like a hot supermodel, ready to hit the stage, while he looks like..." I started, but I had to close my mout to prevent what i was going to say from comming out.

A hot supermodel who looks like he could do wonders in bed.

I heard him make a noise and i looked in his direction, to see that his face was red like a tomato. oh yeah, he can read my mind. These damn vampires.

"Well, i think that you can leave us now. We have some things to discuss." She said, turning to him..

"Fine! But don't do anything stupid pet." He warned before he left. When he closed the door, I sighed,relieved.

"Finally, well dear, how do you like it here? Is it whar you expected?" She asked, looking through some papers.

"No, actuallty. I thought I was going into a cabin in the woods, but then I ended up here in this big mansion. " I replied.

"That's wat happend most of the time." She said, walking over to me.

"Realy? He said something about me being his bride to complete his place as king." I asked.

"Oh yes. He is the prince of vampires, and he meeds to get married in order to become the king. So, he chose you." She explained.

"Why did he choose me then. Why couldn't he choose another person?" I asked, seeking for answers.

"I don't know. Mabey he saw something in you that he didn't see in others." She replied, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Did he tell you about the ball? There is a royal ball being held tonight becaust the prince has found his wife. So you need to wear something special."

"But, I don't have any clothes here. What ill I w-" she cut me me off before I continued.

"Yes, there is a closet of clothes in your room. Just take our time and look." She assured me.

"Thanks. I'll be going now.  Thank you." I said.

"Anytime!" She sang. I walked out of the room, left alone to go back to my room.  I started to go back the direction I came from. I found myself walking in a dark part of the house.

I had an eer feeling about here. Before I could think, I was pinned to the wall,with a hot jason pressing against my chest.

"Hey, you need to stop sneaking up on me like that." I said, skaking out of shock.

"What are ou doing here all alone?" He asked, raising a brow at me.

"I don't know, mabey tying to find my way to the room. " I said, trying to sound sure of myself.

"There are alot of  blood thirsty vampires around here. You need to be careful. I don't want you to get hurt." He said, looking at my lips.

"Is there something on my f-" I started, but he crashed his lips onto mine. I wasn't expecting that. I wanted to push him away, but it felt so right to kiss him. He snaked his tounge to m lips, begging for entrance, but I didn't let him in. He let out a growl, and squeased my breast, making me gasp. I could actually feel him smirk. I couldn't help but kiss back too. It felt so, heavenly.

After a while, I had to pull away for air. We were both panting heavily. I was sure that my face was like a tomato.

"God, you are so fucking hot!" He said, pulling me close to him. I so wanted to touch his six pack.

" Touch it. It's all yours." He said, and I reached for it. I felt them, and they were hard. Now why does that sound so wrong?

" I love you." He said, kissing my cheeks.

"I-i-" Aah. Why do I have to be such a wet sandwich.

"Get back to the room. I have work to do. I'll take you to the room." He said, letting me go. Before I knew it, I was in the room, and he was nowhere to be found.

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