Chapter 1

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School started for me today. I remember why I hate public school so much. Anyway, sense I'm feeling crappy, I'm gunna make you feel better sense it makes me happy to read your comments!

Anyway, enjoy!

Happy Reading!



I opened my eyes. The portal was behind us, no longer glimmering its usual purple haze.

I stood up and looked at my surroundings. Everything was blurry.

Four people were passed out on the ground, one sitting up against a tree.

I couldn't tell who was who or where everyone was.

My vision slowly returned to normal and I watched Andi leaning against the tree.

She wasn't one to cry, but she was crying freely now. Her body shaked softly with her cries.

I watched her silently.

She wiped her eyes and went to stand up. She whispered curses under her breath, sitting back down from the pain of her wound.

The people passed out on the ground included the rest of our group. Well, everyone but Vylad, who was no where to be seen.

Instantly, I knelt down by (Y/n)'s side and felt for a pulse. At first, I thought she was dead. I waited for a couple more moments before I could feel a faint pulse.

Her and Laurence were back to normal, their clothes tattered though.

I smiled softly, relived. I checked everyone else.

Andi sat, no longer crying, watching me silently. "I already checked them all." She said softly. "They're all okay. For now at least."

"What do you mean for now?"

Andi looked over at her brother, Aaron. "His arm isn't getting better. Aphmau was able to slow down the process of the poison, but she couldn't fully heal it."

I bit my lip. "So what does that mean for him?"

She shrugged sadly. "I... I don't know."

Aphmau stirred from where she was lying.

I walked over. "Lady Aphmau."

She groaned before opening her eyes. "G-Garroth?"

I smiled. "You're okay!"

Aphmau gave a faint smile. "Are we back?" She tried to sit up but instantly laid back down.

I bit my lip. "Yeah. Everyone else is passed out. No one's dead... Yet." I said softly.

Her eyes widened. "What do you mean?!" She went to sit up again but I made her lay down.

"Lady Aphmau, you need to rest."

"What about Aaron?! Is he fine?!" Her face was contorted with worry and tears were beginning to come to her eyes.

"He's fine." I lied. "You need to rest though. You spent a lot of energy on healing him."

Aphmau bit her lip. "Fine. But I at least want to go back to PhoenixDrop."

I sighed. She's just as stubborn as ever.

"Fine." I helped her up, her arm around my neck. I made sure she didn't see anyone else but Andi, who was still by the tree.

"Andi!" Aphmau walked over slowly and hugged her.

"I'm fine Aph." She said softly with a fake smile. I could see her grimace when Aphmau hugged her, her arrow wound most likely burning from the pain.

Aphmau bit her lip. "Does it still hurt?"

Andi shook her head, a fake smile plastered on her face. "Not much."

I rolled my eyes. Andi's always trying to look tough.

"You two go back to PhoenixDrop... I'll stay here."

I nodded. "Come on Aphmau."

She nodded softly before standing up.

I made sure I blocked her view of everyone else.

She won't admit to it, but Aphmau is like a child. She's innocent. She can't handle having her heart broken. She can't see Aaron. She would go into shock or kill herself trying to save him.

"Let's go." I said softly and led her back to the gates of PhoenixDrop.

How'd you like the first chapter guys? Pretty awesome right?


If the POV is italicized, it means it's a continuation of this flashback. 


GARROTH'S POV (not this flashback)

GARROTH'S POV (this flashback)

Happy Reading!


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