Chapter 2

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"I'm sorry, but who are you?"

His eyes widened. "(Y/n)... How could you not remember me?"

I was astonished. "W-what do you mean? I don't even know what's going on!"

The man bit his lip. "Why can't you remember me?"

I looked down at my lap. "I'm sorry I don't... Remember, you." I paused at remember.

The man backed off.

I bit my lip, trying to remember anything about this man.

The man looked devastated. "How could you not remember?" He whispered under his breath.

"I-I'm sorry." I said softly. "I don't remember... anything."

The man looked up. "You don't remember... anything?"

I shook my head. "Nothing."

The doctor rushed over. "What's your name, Miss?"

I gave a confused look. "I just told you guys I don't remember anything. I don't know my name."

The doctor scribbled down notes.

"Alright Miss. You don't remember your husband then?"

"My husband? What do you mean husband?! When did I get married?!"

"Over 3 years ago, Miss." She continued jotting down notes.

"Three years ago..."

The handsome blonde man nodded. "Four years next week." He gave a gentle smile, looking at the floor.

"Wait, your my husband?"

The man nodded, concern on his face. "Why?"

"How did I score a hot guy like you?" I mumbled and the man smiled.

"I'm Garroth. Your husband." He said awkwardly.

I bit my lip. "Well, I know one name now... What's my name?"

Garroth smiled. "(Y/n), (Y/n) Ro'Meave."

"So you'd be Garroth Ro'Meave..."

Garroth nodded. "Same with Ophelia and Finn."

"Who are they?"

Garroth gaped for a moment before regaining his composure. "Our kids." He said softly.

My eyes widened. "Kids?! When?!"

Garroth smiled softly. "They're four, almost five."

I smiled softly. "They're twins?"

Garroth nodded. "Yeah. Their birthday is Valentine's Day."

I smiled. "You'll have to tell me more about them later. For now, who are you guys?" I looked over at the teal haired chick and the brown-haired man.

The girl pouted. "Come on sis. After everything we've been through, you'd think you'd at least remember your own sister!"

I tilted my head softly, getting a better look at her. "So your my sister?"

The girl smiled. "Yeah. Andi."

I looked at her stomach. "And your pregnant?"

She nodded. "Little Eli." She grinned.

I smiled and turned to the man. "So you must be her..."

"Husband. Laurence." He smiled softly.

I nodded, processing this new information. "So..." I looked over at Laurence. "Your my brother-in-law, Andi's my sister, Garroth's my husband and Ophelia and Finn are my kids. And I'm (Y/n)."

Garroth nodded. "Yep."

I bit my lip. "Okay... Well, where are we?"

Garroth bit his lip. "Umm, the Okasis hospital. But we live in Phoenix Drop." He gave a small smile.

I relaxed at his smile. Him just being in the room sent a wave of calmness over me.

Why is he with me though? I'm sure he could get any girl he wanted...

Andi smiled happily. "Mom and Dad are going to be so excited your awake! And Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau and-" she ranted names on and on until Laurence stopped her, laughing lightly.

She blushed lightly. "Sorry. You should probably rest."

"Who are those people?" I asked softly.

Andi bit her lip, softly frowning. "You'll meet them later. You should really sleep (Y/n). You were knocked out from using to much of your life source in order to keep the portal open." She said softly, looking down. "I guess it costed your memory as well."

Garroth frowned. "Let's not talk about that right now. (Y/n), you need to rest."

"Oh, o-okay." I stuttered.

Andi smiled. "Well, we'll see you later sis."

I smiled softly. "Bye."

As they left, Garroth stayed by my side. He kissed me softly.

At first I was surprised, but I soon kissed him back.

He pulled away softly.

As I opened my eyes, he smiled at me softly. "Everyone's going to be so happy that your finally awake..." He said softly.

I smiled. "You'll have to tell me about everyone tomorrow." I yawned. "I am actually sleepy."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "Good night, (Y/n)."

"Good night, Garroth."

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