Chapter Nine

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To whom it may concern,
       My name is Will. You probably don't know me. I don't have friends. I'm twenty years old. I live in Dublin Ireland alone. I have three brothers who all hate me. My dad left when I was young and my mom wants me dead. I don't get out much. I don't really talk to anyone. But today I decided to go out. For some reason I thought it was a good idea at the time. I went to the park by my house and I ran into this girl. For a moment I thought it was worth going out. We went for coffee and then she just left. I tried texting her and she didn't answer for two days. When she finally did she was in the hospital. I asked to visit and she told me no. I make a friend and they hate me within the first few days. This isn't the only things that has led me to make this decision...I haven't had a good life in general, this kind of just pushed me over the edge...if for some reason you care and think it was somehow your fault it's not. People just don't like me. Some of you just met me today and you felt a hate towards me. You didn't know my story but you hated me. I don't know why. But it's okay. I hate me too. Goodbye
                           -William Sera Whitson.


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