seeing each other again

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Al's p.o.v

It was almost midnight and Ed hasn't came back yet, two minutes later I hear the door open

Ed: Al I'm back

Al: Big brother how'd it go with Colonel Mustang?

Ed: well first he asked me some questions and then sent me to 'alchemy café' to wait for someone

Al: really. Who?

Ed: a girl

Al: what she look like?

Ed: heh well she has (h/l) (h/c) hair and her eyes were (e/c) that they were...

Al: you like this girl don't you

Ed: no

Brother and I just stood in silence for a few seconds then we heared a knock at the door

Ed: oh, that must be Winry, my arm has been feeling a little stiff lately

Then Ed opened the door to find Winry with a tool box in her hand

Winry: hey Ed am I gonna get to work or not because I have another place to be at

Ed: really? were?

Winry: well she told me not to tell anyone where she lives

Al and Ed: SHE!!!!

Winry: yeah, she did care about if I told people what gender she is, but she doesn't want anyone to know her name

-few hours later-

Winry: their all finished

Ed: great

Winry's p.o.v

Winry: ok I have to go, so I'll just give you the bill later, my other appointment is waiting for me. I have to be there by eight

Ed: oh. Uh. Ok. See you later, I guess

After Ed said that I walked out to the hallway, it took me a while but I finally found her street name

As I was walking I had a feeling that someone was following me, but I didn't care so I brushed it off

Ed's p.o.v (yeah I know a short point of view but I can't really think of much for Winry)

After Winry left me and Al decided to follow her to see who this mystery girl is

We follow Winry for a while, every once-in-a-while she would look back so me and Al hid every time

A few more minutes later she goes into a apartment building

The front desk asked what she was here for then next thing I now she goes into an elevator and we see that she is on the fourth floor

When the elevator came back we asked were Winry went, he said 'the fourth floor room 88H' we said are thanks and went to the floor

When we got the room number we heard a slite scream

After that we heard Winry start to open the door so me and Al his so we wouldn't be seen

Winry left and she also walked right past us and didn't think it was us, thankfully

We walked up to the room number and knocked on it

-before that-

Your p.o.v

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