There's no Place like Home

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Nellie decided to stay a week longer.  She learned more spells, but she assumed she would not need to use them.  Some days she stayed home so she could help clean; she wanted to give the fairy's something back for being so kind to register her in school and keep her in their house.  

Before long it was time to go back home.  All the fairies from school told her goodbye.  She walked back to the house.  Emma, Mary, Rose, and Abigail were already there.  

"Nellie, when you get back home, you may choose one family member, and one friend to tell about your adventure here in Orchid Valley," Emma said. 

"And here's a bag of sweets and candies from our land to prove to them that you were really here," Abigail said giving her a little bag.  

"Here's your wand," Rose said, handing Nellie a long box. 

"And here's your history magic book, from your favorite class," Mary said. 

"How can I thank you all?  You've been so kind to me," Nellie said. 

"No need to thank us, Nellie.  We want to help you, that's how we do it.  When someone needs help, we help, and there's no need to pay us," Abigail explained. 

"Well thank you anyway," Nellie said.  The four fairies walked her outside.  They bid her goodbye, and she walked back up the hill.  She felt the air shift, and she was blown up the hill. 

She saw Rihanna still walking back up the hill.  Thinking, Nellie ran behind Rihanna and hid behind a bush.  She pulled out her wand and brought herself back up to normal size.  She had done it!  Rihanna turned around and spotted her.  Together they walked back to the house. 

Their parents saw not explanation for Nellie's unexpected powers, but Nellie didn't mind.  She had found a way to fix them. 

Nellie brought her mom into her room and explained everything that had happened.  As she had expected, her mom didn't believe it, but after seeing her wand and tasting the candy, she believed. 

Nellie told Ella the next day, and she believed. 

Nellie found it so nice to be back home.  Her room, her bed, and her sister. 

"Wow," Nellie thought.  "What an amazing adventure." 

P.S. I did not mean to change person sometimes in the stories.  I am sorry for that mistake, and any other mistakes in the story.  I hope you enjoyed this story anyway!  

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