Chapter One

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I spent the day at the park near my house. I knew my mother would want me home in time for supper, so I reluctanly left my favorite swing and started the journey home. Strolling down the sidewalk, I heard a faint jingle. The tune grew louder. I turned around and saw the ice cream truck, giant cone on top and everything. As the truck got closer, I saw that the man in the window was smiling. But not a happy smile, an evil smile.

I turned back around and kept walking, hoping he would ignore me. He didn't. Instead, he pulled the truck to a stop and opened the side doors.

"It's hot out here today isn't? A little ice cream will cool you off." I thought about saying no, but thought that maybe if I just bought something, he would leave me alone. I stuck my hand in my pocket, only to find that it was empty. My change must have fallen out on the monkey bars.

"I don't have any money." I shrugged and looked down the sidewalk for any passing people.

"Aw, that's okay, sweetheart. I'll give it to you free of charge." He smirked. I did not like his tone of voice. And when he called me sweetheart, I felt sick to my stomach.

"Don't call me that. And no thanks. I don't want any today." I turned away and started walking again. He clicked his tongue, muttering something about me being too sassy. Yet he still followed, driving next to me, real slow.

The faster I walked, the more he sped up. We reached the parking lot of the elementary school. I had to cross it to get to my house.

Rolling down his tinted window, he leaned out and smirked.

"Let me take you for a joyride." He pulled off his hat and unlocked the doors. "I've got some candy for you inside."

My heart was pounding in my chest. I did not like where this was going. He stepped out of the van. I ran as fast as I could, but he was faster. I was running through the parking lot, he chased me and he wouldn't stop.

Right on my heels, the man reached out and pulled a ribbon from my hair. He grabbed my hand and pushed me down, taking the words right out of my mouth. He wrapped the ribbon over my mouth, muffling my screams for help.

"Tag, you're it." He laughed as he picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder. Kicking only made him wrap his hands tighter around my legs. He slid open the back door and threw me in. I landed with a thud. I ripped the ribbon out of my mouth and screamed for help. A second later, he duct taped my mouth shut. I could barely breathe, and screaming was only making it worse, so I attempted to rip it off.

I was too slow. Grabbing the roll of duct tape, he binded my wrists and ankles together behind my back. I couldn't move. He grinned and slammed the doors shut. Back in the driver's seat, he drove off, away from my home. Unable to do anything, I laid my head against the wall of the truck and began to cry, thinking of all the terrible things he intended to do to me.

Tag, You're It (Melanie Martinez)Where stories live. Discover now