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"5SOS! 5SOS! 5SOS! 5SOS!"

The stage rumbled as chants were screamed at the top of their lungs.

We all hung our heads low, hands intertwined with each other's, our eyes closed tight.

"Please, God. Please let tonight be safe and fun. Please make sure we hit all the right notes. Please make sure everyone has fun and sings along and enjoys themselves tonight. Amen."

Chants of "Amens!" came from Luke, Calum, and I as we patted Ashton on the back for his small prayer. We all went our separate ways to our platforms behind the stage. I turned my ear piece down to make sure it wouldn't be too loud when I got on stage, and placed my guitar strap over my body.

I heard Ashton start pounding his drums onstage as cheers from thousands of people got excited. I saw Calum exit back stage onto main stage, and waited for his bass riff. He hit the third note of the solo, and I bolted out to my position playing a small riff, awaiting Luke's grand entrance.

Luke ran out and hit a note, me following after.

But I couldn't hear the note. I looked down at my guitar and it was still plugged in. So I tried again.

Peoples chants began to get quieter, and soon the whole room was silent. I looked at the guys, they were still playing. And then I heard Ashton's snare drum and felt it rumble through my body. I felt an ear piercing bell sound, I dropped my hands from my guitar to cover my ears.

It kept getting louder and closer to me. I through off my guitar and saw it land with a crunch to the side of the stage. I pressed my hands to my ears even tighter, falling to my knees. I closed my eyes as tightly as I could and tucked my head down.

"MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" I yelled, although I heard no words coming from my mouth. I saw two figures above me, their hands reaching out to me. Their mouths kept moving but nothing was coming out. I looked straight into Luke's eyes and screamed, "LUKE, WHATS HAPPENING?"

He put his arm on my shoulder as he kept talking with no words coming out, the shrieking noise still ringing in my ears.

"LUKE! CAL! HELP! IT HURTS!" I mouthed, no actual sound coming out. I couldn't feel any vibrations coming out of my mouth. What was going on?

Finally I saw Luke mouth the words and motion, "Mike, can you hear me?"

I shook my head no instantly and pointed at my ears. It hurt to let my hands off of them.

I saw Calum run backstage and had a paramedic run towards me, Calum trailing behind. She helped me stand up, and rushed me backstage to more paramedics who began talking with no words coming out of their mouths.

They then wrote on a piece of paper saying, "Can you hear us?"

I lifted my hands of off my ears and shook my head violently. They signed something to each other and motioned for me to run to the ambulance waiting outside by the tour bus.

We rushed outside and got in the ambulance it taking off at warped speed. I saw the siren lights beaming outside the window, but heard nothing. Paramedics waved their hands in my face to get my attention and I looked at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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