Chapter 1

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 Chapter 1

Miley stared at her pathetic reflection in the mirror, she was a disgrace. Her body all battered up, her neck marked with faded hand prints.

She was literally holding on by a thread, how she managed to keep going was beyond her. She lived in a nightmare that did not ever seem like it would end.

Jake Hunter, the cause of everything that ailed her. The monster from the scariest of horror films, the savage brute that would use her pain for his own amusement.

Miley knew he was troubled, had plenty of issues and that he needed serious help, but she no longer wanted to try and help him. She wanted nothing more than to grab her six year old son and flee.

It was too much pretending day in and day out like things were going to get better. Who was she kidding anyway? Jake would never change, if anything at all he was only getting worse as time passed.

Not only was Jake into the sick and twisted world of bloody sex, he literally got off on blood, on his own pain and her suffering, he was becoming more and more obsessed with having her around at his mercy.

Jake never played by anybody's rules, that in itself was scary. He was that guy that did anything he wanted no matter the consequences and did not fear death. Miley was beginning to doubt that he was human at all.

She learnt along the way to try and watch herself around him, for her son's sake. Jake was quick to send him away for weeks at a time where she was not able to see him at all.

"Miley, Mr Hunter wants to see you in his office." And that would be Liana, the coldest bitch that lived only to serve the almighty Jake.

"Why?" Miley asked not bothering on looking at Liana.

"He's waiting." Was how she replied. Miley gave her the most insincere smile before she moved passed her and headed downstairs to see what he wanted with her now.

Miley didn't bother on knocking, she walked right in to his office. There he was, he was what nightmares were made of. The way his eyes darkened when he looked at her always made Miley's heart beat a little too fast.

"You called?" She said flopping down on the chair on the other side of his desk. Jake leaned back in his seat and eyed her out. He did that a lot, it was always so unsettling.

"I want you to pack your things, we are going away for a while." Like what the fuck?

"We? As in Jake and myself." Miley was referring to her son Jake.

"No, as in you and me." No... She could see that he didn't like her question.

"Where?" Okay Miley, keep it together.

"Wherever the hell I want to go." Oh god.

"Like where? Can you not answer in riddles please? Just tell me where and why." Yep, Jake did not like it when anybody questioned him. Miley was not going back down, she had a right to know.

He gave her such a dark look that Miley wanted to cower. She was well aware of his vicious side, had been subjected to it once too often.

"I'm only asking. I just want to know."

"Yeah, like I give a fuck what you want." Yeah, Miley was not going to win this one.

"Can you at least tell me how long? Where is Jake going to be?" Her concerns were warranted, she was freaking out about leaving her son again. Jake would always take her baby away if was pissed at her.

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