"Dayanara, I would like you to hold a dialogue with Mr. Brown. Flow in the direction of wherever the conversation may go, begin."

"Are you enjoying your day so far, Christopher?"

This was an excerise, I'd learned this my first year of Psych. Psychologists are responsible for studying mental processes and human behavior by observing, and this was the first step.

"Please, call me Chris.."

He had a look in his eyes, and although he was very charming, he looked at me like I was a piece of meat.

"My day was okay, it's even better now that you've walked into the room."

"That is sweet, thank you."

"You're a very beautiful woman, are you seeing somebody?"

I took a quick look at Sutton, his facial expression indicated that I should continue the conversation.


"Well, why not?"

"I don't know.. I guess I just don't have any time, you know?"


"Do you have any children, Mr. Brown?"

He chuckled. "Me? God, no. 27 is not the age to be having little spawns of satan."

"And why not?"

"I'm a murderer, not a babysitter."

"True." I heard Julian mumble, I glared at him.

"Well, I guess that's one way you could look at it.."

"I cannot even be within a 50 foot radius of a woman without wanting to do abhorrent things to her; and the perfume.. Oh man, the perfume..." He took a deep whiff before letting his sparkly white incisors come into display. "Tommy girl."

"I did spray a little this morning, is it bothering you?"

"Not at all."

It's funny, cause I had totally disreguared his whole sentence about being near women and wanting to do horrible things to them; I disreguarded the whole thing.

Was that bad?

It had to be.

And there was undoubtedly some sort of attraction between the both of us, which had to be even worse, and I hope I was the only one to notice that.

"That will be all for today, thank you for your cooperation Mr. Brown." Sutton nodded quickly before leading the way out of Chris' room.

"You did a great job, Dayanara." He continued. "Very professional."

"Thank you."

That night, there was a ton of research to be done, and I was up for it.

"Christopher Brown, said to be the most charming serial killer in history."

"History?" I said to myself as I stared at my search results in front of me.

Well, it makes sense. Christopher Brown was charming, deceivingly charming.

And beautiful.. Did I mention he was beautiful?

Just the way he manuevered his lips as he spoke, his accentuating jawline, how perfectly his face was structured, and his eyes, oh God his eyes— an ocean of secrets.

This was wrong, morally speaking.

Admiring a serial killer's facial features.

This was wicked; unethical.

Something about Christopher Brown draws me in, like a fishing rod reeling in a fish. It was subtle.

There was a lot to know about him, and in order to get an accurate diagnosis, a lot of work was to come.

I fell in love with Case 24 over two years ago, I'm going to continue writing this.

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