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Chapter 1 | Welcome To Sagamore

          I arrived at the Psych Center at around 1 PM, it'd started down pouring on my way here, what a way to set the mood. Although, I didn't see Julian nor Rose yet, they were probably driving slow now because of the slippery roads.

I pulled my key from the ignition as I stared up at the big building in front of me, it was a little intimidating but nothing I couldn't handle, I was kind of excited nonetheless.

When I entered the building, there'd been a group of people whose attention was instantly reverted over to me. They were all sitting down in a section with a few couches and a television dressed in casual attire.

I looked to the lady at the front desk who presently had her eyes glued to a magazine, I caught her attention after clearing my throat.

"Hello, my name is Dayanara Rivera, I'm a student at NYU and I was volunteered to help peform an evaluation on Christopher Brown for the next two months. Is Dr. Sutton around by any chance?"

"Yes, of course." She said before handing me a name tag, except my name was spelled wrong. It was printed Deyanera instead of Dayanara, but I took it anyway.

She picked up the telephone and dialed a number before speaking to whom I guessed was Dr.Sutton, it had been few minutes before he entered the lobby.

He immediately shook my hand, and smiled big at me before realizing I was the only one there.

"Aren't there two others?" He questioned, scrunching his eyebrows together.

"Yes, Julian and Rose. They should be here soon."

"Great.. Please, follow me into my office."

We passed a door with a padlock and the small window that was ducktaped, I couldn't help but to ask although I already had an idea.

"Who's in there?"

"Mr. Brown." He answered.

I followed him towards the back of the institution where he unlocked his office door and held it open for me, three chairs had been placed in front of his desk, I sat in the one on the left.

"Welcome to Syracuse." He smiled, sitting down in his seat. "Have you ever been here before?"

I shook my head no, which was the truth. I've never been anywhere outside of New York City, that's the only place I knew.

"No, I haven't actually."

"It's a first time for everything, right?"

I nodded and smiled.

"Alright, w—"

His sentence was suddenly interrupted when Julian and Rose came strolling into his office, causing Dr. Sutton to rise up and greet them.

"I'm glad you two could make it." He said, sitting back down. "Y'all timing is great, I was just about to get into the regulations."

I flashed a smile at both Julian and Rose as they took the seats beside me, Dr. Sutton cleared his throat before beginning.

"Well, first I need to start off with a little background information about Mr. Brown. You guys may already know, but I'm required to tell you anyway.. As everyone is aware, he's responsible for the murder of over 24 women, and not to mention the raping of 8 of his victims." He opened up one of his drawers and removed a remote from the inside, turning on the interface.

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