Better than me.

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I have been looking down at my feel during the entire explanation out of fear of looking up and seeing the horror in their eyes. After all they have been risking everything for a freak. I take a deep breath and lift my head preparing myself to see fear and disgust on their faces. I'm surprised when I only see curiosity written on their faces. "Is that why those bloody bastards almost took me down?" Kin said. "What so you mean? What happened while I was sleeping?" I demand. "Oh you know, got shot stabbed and beat to a bloody pulp and almost died. A normal day in my life," Kin joked.

"That's it! I can't let you all risk anymore for me, I have to go back to him. I can't let you guys die for me, I'm not worth it." I scream out a I rush towards the door in an attempt to save these four strangers who have quickly lodged themselves deep into my heart. I would not let me dream come to pass the way it was reveled. Before I could make it out of the open door I feel my small body lifted into the air by a pair of strong arms, by his scent I know it's Spyke.

"Don't even think for in moment we would let you sacrifice your life for ours! I'm in this till the end because you are my damn brother and I just for you back, I'm not letting you go now. I also happen to know for a damn fact that Zeke won't let you go either so sit your ass back down baby brother and we are going to have a little chat. You aren't alone anymore, you have Zeke and I."

"Little mutt you have more than that, you have one crazy ass hybrid standing beside you. My life has gotten a little boring these past 400 years, I could use a little excitement," Kin said while smirking down at me. He stood tall and proud, like the world owed him something. It was then I realized that he no longer wore a shirt beneath his long black leather duster. Even with having my mate in the room with me I couldn't help but admire the beauty of his very fit and defined body. A throat being cleared, and several amused laughs brought my feasting in his perfection to an end. Blushing fiercely I look at everyone, seeing clear amusement in everyone's eyes, including Zeke's. "it's ok babe I found myself doing the same thing." Zeke said while smiling at me.

"Okay well if we are all done staring at the sexiness that is the glorious Kin,"Rayven said with his characteristic flair,"I would like to say that I'm standing beside you as well. There no getting rid of us little one." Staring amazed into each if their eyes I'm stunned to realize that these four people, whom I barley knew would die for me. I never asked for this! There was only one thing I could do now.

"Okay, if your all going to insist on staying and fighting, then there's only one thing I can do. I'm going to have to bite you. You will need it if you plan on fighting beside me." I spoke boldly but on the inside I was scared, what if they refused? They would die, and I could not let that happen. The four of them looked at each other appearing to have a silent conversation before seeming to come to a decision. Slowly my brother stepped forward and bared the left side if his neck to me. I feel my canines elongate as I take the final step forward to meet him.

"This is going to hurt, and for that in so sorry." I move quickly forward so that he can't stop me and sink my teeth into his neck. As I release power into him his body begins to shake in my arms, as he fights to keep his wolf in check as fight the searing pain running up and down his body. After a few moments I feel his knees give out, before he can connect with the floor he's being lifted by Zeke and places on the couch. "I'm so sorry brother, I did not want to hurt you," I sob out as I drop to my knees beside him. "Its o-o-o-okay it doesn't hurt th-th-that bad." Spyke stammers out. "And you my brother are a liar, but thank you for trying to ease my guilt." I say as I stand up and look between the hybrid and the vampire,"who's next?" "Well I say beauty before beast, so I guess I'm next."Rayven states while grinning at Kin.

I step towards him as he tilts his head to the left side. I stand on my tippy toes as I wrap my arms around his neck and sink my canines into his flesh. I am amazed at the taste of his skin.

I have never tasted anything like it. As my power flows into his body I can feel him tense up against my body. He lets a small hiss escape his lips, but doesn't move otherwise. When I feel as though I have given him as much energy as his body can handle I release him. Rayven stumbles back a step but otherwise doesn't seem affected.

"I guess that means its my turn, be gentle I bruise easy," Kin jokes as he steps towards me. As I approach him I realize he's much taller than me and I will never be able to reach his neck. Seeming to come to the same conclusion Kin grabs me up off the ground taking me by complete surprise. My first reaction is to wrap my legs around his waist, which is exactly what I do. Hearing a growl begun me I turn slightly in Kin's arms to see Zeke start to step towards us. "Easy there mutt, he couldn't reach me, but I must say I can tell what you see in him. He is rather beautiful isn't he?" Kin said, the one sided smirk never leaving his face.

Sick of the banter when we have bigger problems I reach my hand out and grip Kin's chin and force his head to tip to the right so that I have access to the left side of his neck. Smiling I sink my canines into his flesh. A small twitch of his fingers firmly planted on my butt is the only reaction he gives to the pain. Once my brain mouth connects with my brain and I register the taste of his skin, and his blood I can't keep the moan in. Oh he tastes so wonderful. I have never tasted anything like it before. At my soft moan I feel him tighten his hold on my butt a little, and then I hear his voice in my head "hush now little one, your mate looks rather upset. I know it's how tempting it is but you must be very careful, my blood is very strong." What is going on? I have never had a mind link with anyone before! Why now and why Kin? "Simple little one, your merging your soul a little with me, you gave me some of you, and in return I'm giving you some of me. My blood is healing you from sharing your energy with us. From now on, any time you need me I will be there little one."

After I let retract my canines from his neck and slowly slide down his body, I glance up at him with the question clear on my face. Again I hear his voice in my mind "yes little one I can hear you. I will be connected to you until you chose to break the bond between us." Holy hell I did not expect that.

"How so you all feel? I gave you each as much energy as you were able to handle." I inquire. "I think I speak do all of us when I say, damn do I feel good!"Rayven joked.

As I look around at each of them standing there I realize, never again in my life did I have to be alone.

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