Writers Tag

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Song: Fantasy by VIXX

Tagged by -deadraddish


1) Describe yourself like you would a character in a book?

Insecure, shy and introverted, Alex is one of those girls who you have to be really looking to notice.  She flies under the radar with the exception of her friends and classmates asking to borrow homework.  Her small stature makes her subject of some comments, none ever directly insulting as no one outside of her friends knows her well enough for that.  However, she's secretly plotting the death of every ignorant ass in her immediate surroundings... Kidding.  (Cept not really.)

2) Do you have a ritual before/during/after writing?

I listen to tunes whilst writing but other than that I don't even bother to spell check tbh, I at least wait a day so that I can read with fresh eyes.

3) Favourite fic to write?

A Forgotten Deadliness currently.  I like anything where I can take a fantasy world and/or beings and twist them until my heart's content.

4) Any writers you admire?

Michael Grant, Victoria Aveyard, JK Rowling, Suzanne Collins, Sarah J Mass, Veronica Roth... Any other who wrote a good YA/fantasy/supernatural series basically.

5) Number of words you could write in an hour if you're really focused?

I'm not sure tbh, because even when I am focused I'm constantly stopping to check thesaurus' and stuff to try and improve my writing and expand my vocabulary.

6) First fic pairing or plot?

I don't tend to do character X character as I use OC's 99% of the time.  My first plot was... Go read Dean's Daughter to find out XD (shameless promo)

7) Inspiration, time or motivation?

I lack motivation out of all of those tbh.  I have time (well I can make it if I need to) and inspiration is something that comes naturally, I've got enough rn for my ongoing stories anyway.

8) Why write?

I have ideas in my head.  My thoughts are too crowded.  I get rid of ideas by writing.  I also enjoy it (obviously lol) or I wouldn't have wrote a word in the first place.

9) Plans to write anything other than fanfics?

Vague ones.  I have tried a couple of original stories and removed them due to a lack of plot.  I tend to form loose concepts and don't really have enough skill as a writer to make them a proper story.  Hopefully with time I'll be able to write a successful original story.

10) What inspires you the most?

Everything tbh.  I can get ideas from song lyrics or music videos.  I tend to create most of my stories in the shower though, it's quite an inspiring place.

11) Strangest thing you've written or thought of writing?

Probably my personal writing letter addressed to my emotions that I did for an English project.  It wasn't strange as such but more of a very different style than anything I'd tackled previously.  It was a foreign writing experience for me.

12) A fic you wished you wrote better and why?

Dean's Daughter for sure (a rewrite is happening though).  So many people have read it and are currently reading it and as I've matured as a writer I can see how horribly flawed it is.  If I started reading it, I would probably disregard it as badly written and move on tbh.

13) Fave fic from another author?

Anything by xXDarkSuccubusXx (not tagging bc senpai).  I aspire to write as well as her.

14) Fave side pairing to put in?

Doesn't apply.

15) Guilty writing pleasure?

Cliffhangers for sure.  I love getting comments from readers in anticipation of what's going to happen next.  That and twists that make people go "whaaaat" "wtf" "what the hell was that" or anything similar.

16) Do you have a plan before writing or do you just make it up?

I have a plan of the story overall but per chapter I generally have an idea where I want to go and see where it takes me.

17) Are you a fast writer?

When it comes to actually writing, yeah.  But uploading, nope lol.

18) How old were you when you began writing?

I started my first fic when I was 12/13 but I wrote some stuff before that for school etc.

19) Why start writing?

Again, ideas I wanted out of my head lol.

20) Six sentences from a work you're proud of?

All from A Forgotten Deadliness - my Black Butler fanfic.

My attention was drawn to the end of the corridor, where two people were standing - I could just see them from the candlelight of the adjoining corridor - more accurately, one person was standing, holding the other off the ground with her hand, while the other's legs flailed desperately. - Chapter 1, The Eccentric Man

The man hid half of his face behind a long veil of silvery hair and as he approached his double-iris yellow and green eyes appeared to glow. - Chapter 1, The Eccentric Man

I appeared to be lying down and around me a group of voices were speaking simultaneously, merging into a melody with no words, only harsh sounds. - Chapter 2, Emily & the Earl Phantomhive

A lush green lawn spread out in front of me, to the right of the cottage was a small patch of multicoloured flowers and to the left a brilliant lake, sparkling in the midday sun. - Chapter 2, Emily & the Earl Phantomhive

Rain pelted the cobblestone pavement relentlessly and harsh winds tore through the streets, whistling and howling obnoxiously. - Chapter 4, Demon of Fear

In the place of teeth he had a collection of yellowed fangs and his eyes were a deep red, marbled with swirls of black. - Chapter 4, Demon of Fear

I tag:
alienjikook (if you come back from a hiatus)
Chloe_xl (I know you don't write fan-fics but apply the questions to writing in general maybe?)

Some random tags, as always, y'all don't need to do it.

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