13 Facts About Me Tag

62 3 20

Song: The Chaser by Infinite

Tagged by -Pastael


1) I am v short and reminded about it every day

2) I believe in equality for everyone

3) My favourite subject is either biology or chemistry

4) I don't tan easily and am pale af

5) I have between 5-10 close online friends

6) I am K-Pop trash (this one is obvious)

7) I have a dog who I love a lot!

8) Reign is probably my favourite TV show

9) I watch anime and love it

10) I'm quite realistic

11) I'm really scared of spiders

12) I'm quite lazy

13) I am v superstitious and crapping myself because this tag has 13 questions

That's that, I guess.

I tag:

(That's all I can remember off the top of my head, sry if I forgot any of the fam and/or you've already been tagged!)

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