I quickly ran downstairs, her shoes and coat weren't by the door, she'd gone.

I walked up to Lucas' room and knocked on the closed door.

He opened it and pulled me inside, shutting the door behind us.

"Is Nancy here?" I asked looking around.

"No" he said pushing me against the wall, "Iv missed your lips" he kissed them and I kissed back.

"No Lucas" I said in the kiss. I pulled away and put my hands on his chest.

"Is Nancy coming over today at all?" I asked.

"Later, why?" He said as he tried to lean in again. He smacked his lips against my neck and sucked on my collar bone.

"Don't let her go near Ava! No matter what, even if you have to follow her around all day so that-" I paused as Lucas bit into me, Damon Salvatore is that you? "so that eh- so she don't go near her."

"Why?" He said as he pulled away slightly, but returned to my neck after.

"Because, Ava's telling everyone I was checking your teeth for food... And if there smart, they'll know what really happened."

"Gosh. Children." He said pulling away completely. "Have you talked to her?"

"She's not home."

"Well when she gets back will you?" He asked.

"Yeah. I promise" I smiled, we walked over to the door and I opened it.

"Do you promise to stay by Nancy next time she comes round incase Ava spills our secret"

"Fine" he sighed.

"Good" I said as I walked off. Lucas grabbed my hand and pulled me back into his room, kissing me hardly.

"Bye babe" he said, pulling away. "Love you" he added.

"Yeah yeah" I smiled as I kissed him again and walked away.

I walked downstairs to my room but got stopped by Farkle.

"Why did Ava tell me you kissed Lucas?"

"Well I'm sure she didn't say that" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, she told me you was looking for food in his mouth. But we all know what that means!"

"Actually, I was looking in his teeth" I said, sarcastically.

"Same thing" he said, "Maya I warned you about him last summer."

"I know you did, it was just a kiss Farkle."

"Promise me it won't happen again?"

"Why do I have to keep so many promises today." I sighed.

"Promise?" He said.

"I don't know if I can Farkle, I like Lucas. Okay?"

"No it's not okay."

"If I have to stay away from Lucas then you have to stay away from Riley. How does that make you feel? Huh?" I crossed my arms.

He looked at the ceiling. "Fine." He said, "just don't come to me when he hurts you, I don't wanna see you upset"

"You really like her don't you" I smiled.

"What do you mean?" He said.

"You didn't wanna sacrifice Riley, that's why your letting me still see Lucas" I smiled. "Farkle has a crush!" I yelled as I run to Riley in my room.

"Say what now?" She said, standing up.

"On you." I said, as Farkle came into the room.

"Really?" She smiled at him.

"Maya why?" He asked.

"Because, when you like someone you shouldn't hide you feelings." I smiled at the both of them, "plus you two will be cute together in your own weird ways"

They looked at eachother smiling. "Now get out of my room, your grossing me out." I pushed Farkle out the door and then Riley and they walked downstairs together.

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