06 ➵ blade

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"Merry Christmas, sir." Lucy says as she steps forward. She has a smile on her face as if this has been the highlight of her life.

"It certainly is, Lucy... Since you have arrived." Father Christmas says and then moves his eyes to mine. I stiffen. "Princess, Silveena. It's very nice to have you as an alliance. You truly are a princess of Narnia." My lips quiver as I begin to smile. To hear that from him actually warms my heart. Of all people, he sees me more than my mother's daughter.

"Thank you, sir." I say as I slightly bow my head.

"Look, I've put up with a lot since we got here, but this...," Susan says, but was cut off from Peter.

"We thought you were the witch." He completely disregards her "logical" thoughts. Honestly, I was getting tired of it anyway.

"Yes, sorry about that," Father Christmas says and then turns to the sleigh behind him. "But, in my defense, I have been driving one of these longer than the witch." He continued as he begins taking off his gloves.

"I thought there was no Christmas in Narnia." Susan says as she takes a couple of steps forward.

"Not for a long time. But the hope you have brought, your majesties, is finally starting to weaken the witch's power. Still, I dare say you could do with these!" Father Christmas says excitedly as he drops a huge, brown bag full of, what seems to be, presents on the ground.

"Presents!" Lucy says with an ecstatic expression. Father Christmas reaches into the big, brown bag and takes out... a cordial? It's strange to give such a present like that to children, in my opinion. But, then again, I shouldn't comment on that considering I have a crown with heeling powers and a pointy staff that my mother gave me when I was young.

"The juice of the fire flower. One drop will cure any injury. And though I hope you never have to use it..." Father Christmas then takes out a dagger and hands it to Lucy. She admires both the dagger and the bottle of fire flower juice. At least she has something to protect herself. That fire flower juice could really come in handy.

"Thank you, sir... but I think I could be brave enough." Lucy says as reassurance for herself.

"I'm sure you could. But battles are ugly affairs." Father Christmas points out. He turns to Susan, "Susan, trust in this bow and it will not easily miss." He hands her the bow and the quiver full of bows. Now and arrows require agility and patience. I believe Susan holds great agility, but patience? She's been a bit close-minded for it. But deep down, I believe that's her weapon. I don't see her holding a sword or a dagger. 

"What happened to, 'battles are ugly affairs'?" She asks. Father Christmas chuckles.

"And, though you don't seem to have trouble making yourself heard..." He trails off and hands her a sort of horn with a lion imprint on where the horn sound would come out, "Blow on this, and wherever you are, help will come." He informs her furthermore.

"Thanks." Susan says and admires it. I guess she can't be close minded now.

"Peter. The time to use these may be near at hand." Father Christmas says as he hands Peter a great, big sword. The type that you would see a powerful king wielding. He then hands him a silver shield with a red lion on the center. Peter draws out the sword and admires it. It is quite fascinating to look at. Not a single scratch or print on it. It's shiny and perfect.

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