The large door pulled away to reveal Maer standing in the foyer, her gaze cold as she held the door in place. I forced myself not to recoil under the harsh stare as I held my ground.

"Mrs Ragnvalsson, you look lovely today." I attempted what was usually a charming smile, but it appeared lost on her.

"I know." She responded bluntly, eyebrow raised poised in a blatantly judgmental position. I could see her analyzing my clothing and everything about me. No doubt not reaching her high standard. She herself was wearing another dress suit, a soft lavender purple with a white blouse, a little over dressed for just being at home in my opinion but each to their own.

"Uh..."I trailed awkwardly, pushing my hands into my pockets, "So, can I go up to see Xav?"

"It's Xavier." She clarified with a frown, "And no."

My face flattened into disbelief, "No?" I spluttered in shock. How can she just blatantly say no to the concern of one of her son's friends? It was ludicrous.

"No. You are not allowed inside my house, nor are you allowed to talk to my son. He has a bright future ahead and I do not need people like you interfering." She stated bluntly and I just stared at her in shock. What the actual fuck. I could not for the life of me figure out why she put emphasis on me specifically but either way I was feeling royally offended. What a bitch. And I had no hesitation stating that to her face.

"You're such a bitch" I snarled in anger, "How the hell do you get off on saying shit like that? This is not the 1950's. No one cares about goddamn family prestige or whatever the hell you think gives you the right to demean someone like that." Her expression had now turned into a full-blown glare but I wasn't finished. "You need to not be such a controlling bitch, it's his life. It's not your place to tell him who he associates with. I don't care if you're the fucking president, it does not give you that right!"

She remained glaring at me in silence for a few seconds as I breathed heavily after my outburst. And for a moment I thought she was going to say something to defend herself, but instead she simply stepped back and slammed the door in my face. I stood still for a moment, taking in the fact that, yes, she had just shut the door on me, my anger growing, before I realized that I was now no longer able to get inside to see Xav.

At that point I sort of stared at the closed door in defeat. All that and now I wouldn't even get to see if he was okay. It was my fault but I honestly couldn't bring myself to regret what I had said. She deserved it.

So I was just going to have to find another way in.

It was with that resolve that snuck around to the side of the house that I thought I remembered Xavier's bedroom being on and scanned the area for something to help me but it was just that tree. The tree that was leaning oddly close to the window standing out like a goddamn beacon as I grinned in success. This was it. My way in. Well unless Xav actually had a thing for locking windows, which hello, who did that anyway? Probably people that didn't want someone breaking into their house... but that's beside the point.

Anyway, I quickly made my way to the base of the tree and reached up to grab a hold of the branch conveniently only a foot above my head. It was with that that I pulled myself up into the foliage, thanking the lord for those days at the gym finally coming in handy for something. But that was only the first step and from there I managed to navigate my way through the branches and leaves with minor difficulty. Well besides the inevitable spider that landed on my arm and nearly caused me to fall right back out of the tree.

But either way, despite the trauma I managed to make my way to what I hoped was Xavier's window on the second floor. Because if it wasn't I was about to get in a whole lot of trouble – hell I might still anyway – and quite frankly I don't think Kelly and Dave would appreciate a call from the police. Especially not with all the hecticness that comes with a family birthday party going on.

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