"Are you like...okay why the hell is this so hard to ask?" He spluttered, face colouring slightly in embarrassment.

"Dude, just ask man." I rolled my eyes, leaning back against the side of the alcove.

"Do you like dick?" He asked quickly and I realized belatedly that he didn't want to offend me and that's why he was having such a hard time asking.

"Am I gay?" I clarified


"No."I replied easily,

"Wait what? You're not?" Ashton stuttered, eyes wide, "Oh shit sorry man, I didn't mean to assume –"

"I'm not gay, I'm bi." I shrugged and he stopped talking


"Is that going to be a problem?" I asked casually, I was used to having bad reactions, so I wasn't really worried. Well not for me at least. I was completely comfortable with myself, I had nothing to hide.

"Oh no, nah man, you're fine." Ashton rushed out, he looked mildly offended by my question and I took that as a good thing.

"Good."I let a smile take over my face, "So how is Xav?"

"He's doing okay, but they're starting to take him off the painkillers so he's having trouble sleeping" Ashton shrugged, his mood was almost instantly sombre and he seemed to loose some of the light in his expression. It was clear that this had really taken it's toll on him.After all they were practically brothers and from what I had heard both him and Alistair had been taking turns visiting him, almost like they were worried something else would go wrong. I didn't blame them honestly.

"So he's awake now then?" I asked, nerves bounding around my head at a million miles an hour. I wasn't really sure if I was ready for this.Hell, I was fully prepared for him to hate me.

"Yeah man, you should go inside and see him, he needs more friendly faces around. Maer's being a bitch about this whole thing." Ashton said it without any remorse, and I beginning to realise that Maer really wasn't someone people got along with easily.

"Does he remember much?" I questioned quietly, after all this would be the first time I had been to visit whilst he was awake. I didn't want to go in their blind. Ashton frowned, reaching out to place his hand on my shoulder when I looked towards the ground.

"Zeke, man. He –he took a pretty nasty fall... no one knows how much he remembers." He stated softly, "But I'm sure whatever happened with you guys up on that roof... it can't have been as bad as you think. Just go talk to him." I let out a humourless laugh.

"You say that like it's easy."

"It'll be fine, try not to worry so much, Xav's an understanding guy." He lifted his hand off my shoulder then, a grin covering his features,"But I gotta go man, I just got a text from Alistair and apparently your sisters having a birthday party that I wasn't invited to."

"Oh damn, good luck. I think you might actually need it." I stated with a wince, "She was really pissed at you."

"Thanks man" Ashton let out with a laugh, patting me on the shoulder before he practically bounded down the porch steps. The roar of his truck coming to life filled the air before he disappeared down the road. And then I was alone.

The world suddenly felt a lot colder and I could feel my hands clamming up, but I refused to waste another second on hesitation as I reached up to hit the doorbell.

It rang throughout the house for a few seconds before it cut off and I was left in silence for a few minutes. I worried after the 3rd minute that I wasn't even going to get an answer, but then the high clicking sound of heels of marble floors echoed towards the entry way and I froze in place.

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