With you every step of the way|| JOE SUGG

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Warning: swearing oops sorrryyyy

It was hard. It was hard, when you received hate every day of your life telling you to go and die and that the earth would be better off without you. But you weren't going to cry about it. You had to be stronger than them. For Joe. Because you knew that it would break his heart to know that you were receiving all the hate. So you smiled through it all, of course some days it really got you down, and today happened to be one of those days. You logged onto Twitter to see what was going off in the world, and you were shocked to see all of the hate floating around your feed.

"Ugh I wish she would just go and die"

"Seriously though, wtf does Joe see in her? Lmao"

"I feel sick every time I look at her ugly face"

"Lmao, maybe she should just go and join her friend in hell she deserves it anyhow..."

That last comment really got to you. How could someone say that? After your best friend died a year and a half a go from a idiotic twat of a drunken boyfriend, you hadn't been on social media in about 8 months in fear of a comment like the one that you just received. So yeah that did put a downer on your day. You walked down your stairs into your kitchen where Joe was eating his breakfast.

"Hey babe" He said while eating his toast, his morning voice still evident.

"Hi" you replied not as your perky self

"What's up? You're not yourself?" He asked you and you could see the concern swimming behind his green blue eyes.

"Nothing, just... Tired I guess." You knew that he didn't believe you and you really wasn't sure, maybe it would be better if he knew what had been going on for months on end.

"Are you sure?"

You couldn't lie to him, you were afraid of losing him. If you lost him you would have no one, you'd be all on your own. It was only now when you noticed Joe kneeling down in front of the chair you were sat on holding you're hands and wiping a stray tear that fell from your E/C eyes.

"I can't do it anymore Joe." You mumbled quietly, he looked at you with nothing but sadness in his eyes with a puzzled look on his face. You couldn't bear to say what that horrible person had said about your friend so you went onto your Twitter and handed him your mentions, where more than every other one was full of death threats and hate. He took your phone out of your hand and you could see his eyes glazing over starting to look like glass as he scrolled down your phone. You knew that these comments hurt him as much as they hurt you, if not more because he knew that if you weren't going out with Joe then you would have never received any of this hate in the first place. But of course you didn't blame him for any of this. Maybe if you were prettier, or kinder or showed your face more on camera then the viewers would've liked you, but you can't change 2/3 of those things.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N I had no idea, fuck I'm such a crap boyfriend, I'm so so so fucking sorry" not only could you hear the sadness running through his voice but you could see it behind his eyes and in every movement he did.

"It's not your fault, Joe! How could it be?"

"Fuck this where's my phone" he got up from where he was kneeling in front of you and snatched up his phone from the kitchen table.

"Joe what are you doing? Please don't do something you're going to regret!" But it was too late, the sadness in his eyes was replaced with anger as he took his phone and took pictures of the mentions on yours. You knew he was going to tweet something about it you just didn't know what.

@ joe_sugg: I refuse to make YouTube videos until @ Y/U/N doesn't receive hate for a week. I'm sick of some peoples bullshit because she doesn't deserve it. Some people are going to have to deal with the fact that I FUCKING LOVE HER and there's nothing some of you dicks out there can do about it. So cut the crap, because I'm done uploading until you do so...

He handed you back your phone and you read what he had tweeted out to his followers. Inside you felt warm and loved immensely but he could get so much hate from everyone, including his managers.

"Joe, thank you. You have no idea how much I appreciate it but aren't you going to regret it?"

"Y/N, no one is horrible to you, the fact that this had been going on for longer than I know breaks my heart. It breaks my heart that you didn't tell me sooner, please Y/N, I'll be with you every step of the way. Always"

"I love you Joe, thank you"

"I love you too, more than anything"

*You did receive some hate for the next couple of weeks, Joe kept his word and didn't upload anything, he tweeted out of course, apologising to the loyal fans that loved you and Joe equally that you would both do a live chat over on his backup account that only true fans knew. You felt overwhelmed to see over 2.5 million people watching, because those 2.5 million people loved you, just like Joe*

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