Weekend At Ian's

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 It was 2:17 am, Joji, Ian, Chad and Max arrived to Ian's after coming from out of town where they were shooting a special video, that none of them has mentioned, yet. Chad went out to grab some drinks, so they could drink and talk about some shit, and maybe do some crazy shit, as the always did when they were drunk together. It was almost 3 am when Chad finally came back.  Strangely none of them wanted to go to sleep, but since they were staying at Ian's for the weekend they decided to have a bit fun while they did. As soon as Chad set up the drinks on the coffee table. They all decided on a movie to watch, Ian suggested Child's Play, and they all agreed on it.

 Max and Joji sat next to each other, as Chad and Ian sat on the opposite sides of them, which made Max and Joji in the middle. Max leaned his head back and let out a loud groan. "Fuck it, I'm fucking bored, can we play some games or what?" He said loudly, since the movie was playing on what seemed at the highest volume he had to shout. Joji gasped as he had an idea. "Why don't we play truth or dare......uh but like spin the bottle, there is four of us so we will all write four things on pieces of paper? Whoever the bottle lands on picks a piece of paper out of a cup, there is only one pass, so whoever gets the pass, well obviously passes their turn. Shall we play?" He asked the other three, furrowing his eyebrows.

 The other three agreed that it would be fun to play. Ian got up from the couch and went into a room to grab some paper and handed a sheet to each of the boys, and taking one for himself. Max went to the kitchen to grab a red solo cup. None of them could see what each other was writing so they all sat away from each other. They all folded the little pieces of paper and put them  in the cup. There was 17 pieces, even though 16 would be equal to all of them, it was just for a bonus round.

Joji finished his bottle of beer and turned around so they could start playing the game.  Joji sat between Chad and Max and Ian was on the opposite side of him.  Chad went first. He spun the bottle and it landed on Ian. Ian mumbled "Shit." Under his breath, since he did put some pretty weird ones in the cup. He grabbed the cup and dug in, pulling out a piece of paper and reading it.  "Dare: Mix 4 drinks and 4 food items together and blend it into a smoothie, and drink it, all.  "Are you fucking kidding me, did you write this Chad, you fat cunt?!" Ian said with a laugh, but a look of disgust. Chad just smiled proudly and nodded, he was lucky he didn't get his own dare.

Ian rolled his eyes and sat down on the couch as he watched the TV, just some random kids show, he didn't really give a shit about. Max, Joji, and Chad all went into the kitchen. As food items Joji picked out a piece of bread, because soggy bread is fucking gross, and for a drink he picked out a left over can of beer. Max picked out a few pickles and used a bit of pickle juice for the "drink" for the actual drink he put in lemonade, However since it was Chad's paper he got to pick two foods and two drinks. Chad had a sly look on his face as he grabbed an egg, a can of beans, Sprite, and a Redbull. They were adding the items into the blender and trying not to gag on how gross it would be, luckily those three didn't have to drink it.

Max blended the items together, when he opened it, of course he threw up into it, and to be more gross he fucking blended it up together with the other fucking shit. He held back his vomit as he poured the "smoothie" into a tall glass, it stunk like shit.  Max brought the cup to Ian as Joji brought the trash can, because Ian would obviously throw up. Chad sat down on the couch as he watched Ian take a sip of the disgusting drink. Ian gag right when it hit his tongue. "What the fuck is in here you fucking cunts!?"  Ian said before trying to finish the drink, he grabbed the trash can from Joji, and vomited into it. He grabbed his bottle of water and chugged it.

Five minutes passed and it was time to play the game again, since they gave Ian  sometime to get ready to play again, and since Ian got the dare he spun the bottle. He hoped it landed on Chad for making him have that shit drink. The bottle of course landed on Max. "Oooh I wonder what I got!" Max said with fake interest. He reached for the cup and grabbed a piece of paper. "Dare: Kiss the person on your right ;)"  "Oh shit!" Max said with embarrassment, Joji was on his right. What he didn't know that Joji had a huge thing for him. Max was straight, Joji was gay, and none of his friends knew about his sexuality, he made jokes about it and was okay with the jokes they made, he didn't really care about the gay jokes, they made him laugh.

Max was obviously a bit nervous to kiss Joji, because as a straight male, he never kissed another male, well on the lips. "I have to kiss Joji." He said with a awkward chuckle. Joji's cheeks went pink, he was head over heals for Max, he was too scared to tell him, he just didn't want to get his heartbroken because Max is really straight. Joji looked towards Max and waited for a few seconds. Max shrugged his shoulders. "Theres a first for everything." He said, before leaning in and cupping Joji's soft cheeks, he shaved and smelt of shaving cream and alcohol. Max finally pressed his lips against Joji's, and since he didn't want it to he a shit kissed he kissed him with some passion. Joji smiled into the kiss as he was kissing Max back. His stomach was full of butterflies his heart was pounding. He enjoyed the kiss, he was starting to fall harder for Max, but he knew he would never feel the same. A minute passed and the kiss was over. Joji's cheeks were bright red and he smiled widely. Surprised looks were glued on Chad's and Ian's faces.

It took Joji a few minutes to go back to normal, since he kissed his biggest crush it took like 5 minutes at the most. Ian did notice, the other two didn't really pay attention. It was Max's turn to spin the bottle and he did. The bottle landed on Ian.  looked at the bottle with "Fuck this." Look. He grabbed the bottle and cheered happily knowing he got the PASS!!!!!!!!. "FUCK YOU ALL I GET TO FUCKING PASS."  He cheered happily. The others just groaned. Ian spun the bottle which landed on Chad. Chad just shrugged and grabbed the cup, grabbing a piece of paper. "Truth: Have you ever had feelings for one of your friends?" "No." He said after he read the paper. "Not like that." He laughed and spun the bottle, it finally landing on Joji.  Joji gulped and grabbed the cup, reaching in, grabbing the paper. "Dare: "Go skinny dipping and find a prize at the bottom of the pool." Wasn't too bad of a dare. Joji went into another room as Chad, Max, and Ian found something to put in the bottom of Ian's pool.

Maz grabbed  a tin container and put in a couple of cookies, he tied a rock to the tin container so it would sink to the bottom. They called out Joji five minutes after. Joji laughed and shook his head. "It's fucking cold out here, you cunts." He said when he stripped out of his clothes. "When I find out who wrote this one down I'm  pushing you into the pool myself." He threatened, an innocent smile on his face. He walked over to the diving bored and dived into the pool, well obviously he did have googles on, so wouldn't get water in his eyes. He came up every few seconds to get some fresh air, he then dived again and finally found the container. He grabbed it and pulled it up and held it up and threw the rock somewhere in the yard, hitting the fence. He got out and wrapped a towel around his bare waist. He opened the tin and found chocolate chip cookies. He ate them and smiled. "Fuck me these are good." He gasped before finishing the other two cookies.

Another hour and a half past and the game was over, it was 5:48 am, and they were all fucking exhausted. There wasn't a lot of places to sleep. Chad and Ian shared a bed in Ian's room and Max and Joji shared a bed in the guest room, as they would always do when they stayed at each others houses. Joji just slept in his boxers and got under the covers beside Max who looked like he was already sleep. Chad and Ian were already asleep in the other room, they usually fell asleep really quick. Joji couldn't hold the feeling's he had towards Max any more and decided to tell him in the afternoon when they all would be awake, and ask to talk to him privately  he was too tired to open his mouth.  He fell asleep almost 10 minutes of thinking of possibilities  that could happen, he was terrified of Max's response.

They all woke up around 3:12 PM, they were still pretty tired, they all sat down and Ian ordered pizza since they were all too lazy to cook. Each of them picked a topping they would all like, 4 large pizzas, and a bottles of Pepsi, what a 'breakfast' for 3 in the afternoon. As soon as the pizza arrived they all filled their plates and began to eat. After they all finished Joji swallowed hard and finally gave up. He walked over to Max and asked him the question.

"Hey Max? Can I talk to you about something, well in private, I don't Ian or Chad to know about it yet." He whispered so only Max could hear. "Oh, yeah sure, let's go outside." Max nodded and got up. The two boys walked outside and sat in the back on the lawn chairs. "Well you see- I really liked you, and I have for the past couple of years we been friends for, it's really stressful because you're straight, and I'm gay, you're the only one who now knows my sexuality. I mean Ian and Chad probably figured it out by the way I act sometimes but still, I am falling so hard for you Max, I couldn't just keep it to myself anymore, I'm just scared of you hating me or not wanting to be my friend anymore, and then it would just be awkward  when would all hang out, I really fucking like you, and I can't fucking help it, I cant stand it anymore." Joji said, he was shaking from being nervous.  Max listened to Joji explain on how he felt. Max stood up and stood in front of Joji, crossing his arms over his chest. "Hey-

To be continued.

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