Best Friends Don't Always Understand

Start from the beginning

Great. She wasn't answering. I rifled through my pocket for a second whist I prayed she wasn't in the middle of a hot and heavy make out session with Christian as I serched for the key she had given to me a few weeks ago. Oh ew ew ew if she was. I quickly forced the image of them rolling around on the Persian rug that graced the living room floor firmly out of my head. I stuck it in the lock, and with some apprehension as to what i would find, opened the heavy red door.

Making my way down the hall way I could hear the sounds of music playing, but it didn't really seem like makeout music. Not to me anyway, but it wasn;t exactly like I had that much dating experiance. My moments of passion were normally limited to stolen kisses in the gym with Dimitri or random hookups with Adrian. Not exactly world class dates. 

I spoke loudly enough before I reached the door that hopefully both her and Christian would have time to cover themselves up if they were in the middle of hot and heavy sex. Ew. "Lissa seriously, turn that crap off and-," I broke off as I entered the lounge; she was sitting on the sofa with Mia, both had a glass of blood red liquid in their hands. Blood red being the operative word. As much as I was not expecting that, I was more thankful than words could ever express that it was not Christian she was with.

"I…uhh…sorry…" Mia and I were no longer enemies, but I was kinda surprised to see her here. She wasn't really all that social, and I wasn't sure if she was still at court. Apparently, I was wrong. I was still standing in the doorway, frozen mid-sentance when, thankfully, Lissa came to my rescue.

"Rose? What are you doing here?" Her tone was surprised but warm. I couldn't help but feel relived that she wasn't angry with me for bursting in. I refused to think of it as breaking in, as I had used a key. That she had given me. Knowing full well I would use it. So totally not breaking and entering. 

"I just…..I wanted to…ermm…talk." I suddenly became very aware of the fact that mascara was smeared over my face and my hair was a wild mess of unruly spirals. Also, I really should learn to think of things before I speak. 

Mia laughed though, taking my sudden appearance good naturedly. Her smile was just as warm as Lissa's when she spoke.

"Hey Rose." She gave me a half wave, and really did seem pleased to see me.

"Hey Mia. Sorry for intruding…" I trailed off uncertainly, my face composed in what I hoped looked like an apology. 

"Its fine, I was just leaving." She smiled again, even more warmly this time. I did feel a bit guilty now, having just burst in on a talk between them, and it was pretty obvious that she hadn't been about to leave. But, (sadly) I assumed she could see what a mess I looked, and guessing correctly that I was pretty upset, (damn, I had hoped it wasn't too obvious), had decided to let me and Lissa talk it out. 

I smiled at her again, trying to show I was understood what she was doing and was grateful.

"Ok, well bye now." She got up, setting the wineglass down on the table in front of her and gave me another smile, this one slighty sad. I looked at Lissa and for the first time in a few hours, felt like laughing. She looked so confused, it really was almost funny. Lissa wasn't exactly good at sensing things, and she wasn't early as perceptive as Mia. Even she couldn't miss how bad I looked though, and frowned as she really looked at me.

"I'll just see Mia out," she said, looking suddenly sombre. Mia laughed at this,"Lissa, the door is just down the hall, don't worry about it." And with that Mia waved to Lissa, gave me a one armed hug, and walked out of the door, leaving me with Lissa. 

I didn't say anything, suddenly becoming speechless.

"What's wrong?" She asked, sounding concerned. I sighed and plunged into my story, knowing that it wasn't something I wanted to do, but if I expected comfort, I had to be honest. It still hurt to go through all the details though, and my eyes were flooded with tears within minutes.

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