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Sorry I haven't updated in forever but oh geez being a freshman is hard especially when you only have 2 friends and one of them lives in England       (@/asher)
Side note: feel free to imagine these as Erin instead of you, I don't ship them but if you do go ahead I won't hate you
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You sat in your apartment, watching the rain drip onto the plants you had arranged on your fire escape. It wasn't pouring yet, but you didn't want to drown your precious flora so you threw on some rain boots and began to bring them inside. Your arms were filled with succulents and flowers and you began to regret not wearing a hoodie or jacket. By the time you climb back into your living room, you're drenched and freezing. You put down the plants and go straight to your bathroom to take a shower.
Once you feel thoroughly warmed up you get out of the shower, dry off and put on some pajamas since it was get late and you knew you had no intention of going out or interacting with anyone or anything other than Netflix and a microwave.
Just as you plopped down onto your couch, the lights and tv that had been providing background noise had all shut off in unison with a hearty thunderclap. You lean your head back in frustration and groan. You slump down further into the couch and eventually just lay down, your face in a throw pillow.
After a few minutes of laying like that, there's a knock at your door. You sit up slowly and walk cautiously to the door since you didn't invite anyone over. You turn the knob and pull the door open, realizing how terrible you probably look after its too late.
You're greeted by a peculiar looking woman with blonde fluffy hair and yellow glasses. She was dressed in bell bottom tan colored suede pants, a while button up shirt, and a black vest with gold accents and to top it all off, a tie tucked under the vest. Some how it was the most attractive outfit you had ever seen and all you wanted to do is tie her to your bed with the tie hanging around her neck. You pushed that quick thought to the back of your mind and prepared yourself for whatever this adorable human had to say.
"Hi, I live in the apartment building across from yours and I saw you bringing your plants inside and I it iced you forgot one so I came over to let you know so that you don't-" she continued to ramble on about the science behind overwatering plants, especially the species of cactus you had.
"Thank you, that's very sweet of you" you finally interrupt her after you feel it's been long enough. "Especially in a storm like this. Uh, please come in" You moved back and allowed her to walk in. She strolled in and had confidence that made you feel as though she owned the place.
"I'll grab the Grenada succulent off of the fire escape" she said, opening the window.
"I named it Nino." I chuckled.
"I like that name." She smiled whole placing the succulent down next to the other plants on my table.


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"Thanks." You murmured noticing again how incredibly hot she was and how incredibly gay you are. "The storm is pretty bad, wanna stay here until it lets up?" The words came out of your mouth before you even knew what you were saying.
"Sure," she said just as you were mentally slapping yourself in the face for being such an idiot. "But the power is out what should we do?" She tossed the remote for the tv up into the air and caught it.
"I have board games, like uh, jenga or monopo-" she cuts you off by grabbing your face and kissing you.
"Sorry you're really cute." She says as she pulls away. "But yeah jenga sounds fun."
"Okay um.. wanna help me get it... it's in my bedroom." You blushed and she winked back at you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the rest is up to your imagination~
Sorry I haven't updated in so long and when I did it's so short but high school is hard wow I wanna go back to elementary school tbh

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