Date (part 1)

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You could barely believe what was happening. You were going on a date with Dr. Holtzmann. You had only recently discovered you were into girls and you hadn't really been with one ever before. You felt butterflies in your stomach as you walked down the steps to your favorite New York City bar: MacLaren's. It just so happened it was Jillian's favorite as well. There was also a group of people who were in the same booth almost every time you went there. That's weird. One of the guys in the groups always wears suits and always tries to pick up sleazy women, including you once somehow. Tonight you walked in and you noticed they weren't at their usual table but instead, your favorite engineer sat there, innocently resting her head in her hand, staring off and tapping her fingers on the wooden desk.
"Hey, Jillian!" You said a little too enthusiastically. She greeted you but continued to stare past you. You turned around quickly only to see the group of people who usually sat at that table staring right back at her.
"Oh, them. Did they say anything to you? This is their usual spot." You explain nervously. Other than the suit guy, they all seemed pretty nice so you didn't want to take their seat.
"Yeah well I told them exactly what's going on," she began, leading you to worry. "I told them, 'this table is for me and my lady. You wanna change that, you gotta go through me. You better wish there's no ghosts in your house cuz I-"
"Woah, stop. Don't worry about it we can move. There's a perfect table in the corner where they're sitting. We can just ask to switch." You calm her down and reach for her hand.
"You want that table instead?" She asks, grabbing your hand. You simply nod and begin to stand up. Jillian, still holding your hand, leads you past the group. "She doesn't want that table anyway." She spat at them.
"What she means is, I know you guys are regulars here and I've seen you sitting in that booth so you guys can have if you wanna trade seats? I just don't find it necessary to make this into some sort of a major problem." You explain for Jillian.
"Major Problem." A guy with fluffy hair and a lady from the group muttered as they acted like they were saluting someone in the army. The others snickered and even though I wasn't in on the joke, I did find it pretty funny.
"Yeah we'll trade tables, it's no big deal." The tall guy said with his arm around a small woman.
"Under one condition," the suit guy butted in. You knew him and immediately rolled your eyes, knowing it was going to be dirty. "Hi I'm Ted Mosby. I'm an architect." He put his hand out for me to shake it but the guy with fluffy hair from before stopped him.
"No, I am Ted Mosby. I am an architect. He is Barney Stinson." Ted chuckled. "Don't worry about us, you can take the booth." He said followed by a chorus of 'what's and 'really's and 'ugh's amongst the group. You kindly nod and return to the booth with Jillian, who has been surprisingly silent the whole time. You both sit down and a waitress named Wendy comes and takes your order.
"Holtz, you okay?" You say grabbing her hand and bringing it to your lips. This makes a smile appear on her face but it quickly turns into a frown. "Are you still angry about those people? It's fine, and Ted was very nice. Don't be so grumpy." You say and you reach over the table and poke her in the cheek.
"Alright, let's not let them ruin our date," she giggles and looks up at you. She then realizes how nice you look since she hadn't looked at you yet. "Wow you look," she began and couldn't stop staring at you, trying to come up with a word. "Gorgeous." She finally mutters. You smile and let out a light laugh and thank her.
"You look amazing as well, Dr. Holtzmann." You tease her and she rolls her eyes and smiles.
Finally, Wendy returns with your drinks and Jillian's order of fries.
"Just fries? No burger or anything?" You asked jokingly.
"You try to resist these salty parables." She murmurs while stuffing for face with them. You ask if you can have one and she asks the waitress for another plate and gives you half.
"You're too sweet. You didn't have to do that." You say after taking a sip of your drink.
"Anything for my girl." She winks and takes a sip of her beer.
"Are you just trying to get in my pants because it sure seems like it." You laugh, covering your mouth with your hand. Her face becomes very serious and you worry if you offended her.
"I mean only if it's working." She winked again and you felt just as flustered as before. "But in all honesty, no. I really like you." She mumbled but she still said it. "Unless of course you would like to come back to my place. It's right up stairs. I actually live in the floor under those losers." She groaned gesturing to the group again.
"Sure, I don't see why not." You agreed. You then realized you've never done the do with a girl before. You start to panic a little as she demands on paying for the food and drinks.
You finally are going upstairs to the apartment building above the bar. You get in the elevator and she continues to hold your hand and kisses your cheek. You turn to look at her after she pulls away and smile warmly. You feel a blush creep into your face.
"You missed." You say jokingly. She tilts her head in confusion and you grab her face and passionately kiss her. This was very unlike you, you were usually very timid and awkward. You broke the kiss just as the elevator dinged and then you followed her as she raced down the hallway to her room. She unlocked her door and led you inside.

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