Date (part 2)

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"Can I get you anything?" Jillian asks as she gestures to the couch for you to sit on it.
"No, I'm fine. Thanks." You say looking around.
"Make yourself at home. Mi casa is mi casa." She opened her arms wide and fell back onto the couch, landing next to you.
"Do you realize you just said 'my house is my house' ?" You explain but she just waves you off. Before you can say or do anything else, she grabs the remote to her Xbox and is loading up Netflix.
"Netflix and chill?" She says slyly. You hope she's being ironic. You nod and smile and she puts on Parks and Recreation.
"Dude, no way this is my favorite show!" You exclaim excitedly. She gazes at you in the light of her tv and admires you. You turn to her and catch her but she just turns away. "Hey, Jill." You whisper in case for whatever reason she's asleep. She turns her head to you and you can't help but lose your train at thought because she looks so adorable. "You should probably take off those glasses so that you don't fall asleep with them on. They'll get all bent up." You take them off for her and suddenly realize you've never seen her without them. You can't help but lean in and kiss her. She smiles into the kiss and gladly kisses back. You both make out with the sound of your favorite show in the background, laughing at funny parts but not breaking the connection. Finally, you both stop for air.
"Hey so, wanna be my girlfriend?" Holtzmann muttered in between kissing your neck.
"Of course." You life her head up from under your chin to your lips and kiss her.
"Hey aren't you uncomfortable? I have so pajamas you can wear." Jillian says as she immediately stands up and waits for you to follow her. You pause the show and follow her to her room. "It'll be just like a sleepover. But with making out and alcohol." She jokes.
"So it's just a normal sleepover?" You both laugh as she opens her drawer and you plop down on her bed.
"Shorts or fluffy pajama pants?" She asks.
"Fluffy pajama pants." You respond quickly, eager to get out of your uncomfortable outfit.
"Big t shirt or normal sized t shirt?" She asks next.
"Normal is fine." You shrug and she tosses you the clothes.
"You get changed in here, I'll be in the bathroom also getting changed." She snapped her fingers and pointed in the direction she was going. You close the door and get changed. You decide to sit on the bed and wait for her to get back. She opens the door to find you sitting on her bed, watching tv wearing a slightly too small Rocky horror picture show shirt and fluffy camouflage printed pants. 'What I would do to come home to this everyday.' Jillian thought as she got into bed beside you. You look at her and give her a quick goodnight kiss and then engage into cuddle position. You draped your arm across her belly and put your leg over her's. She had one hand on your back and the other holding your hand on her belly. "Hey, [y/n]," Jillian whispered.
"Yes, love?"
"Why do horses have such long noses?"
"So that they can reach their mouths into different dimensions"
"Oh" she said simply. "Oh and I know it's only our first date but we've been working together for a while so maybe this is okay, but, I love you." Jillian said, barely audible.
"I love you too, now let's go to sleep." You say happily. How can you go to sleep after that?

Part one was kinda long and boring this one was kinda short and boring. Sorry man. I wrote this at 4 am so sorry this is probably trash. There will be better ones eventually so it's fine in the long run. ~madi 🌵

Ghostbusters Imagines // japhanlesterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon