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"We're lazy, whatever, at least we stick together."
Raleigh Ritchie

"Have you seen them? They're gorgeous!"

Ivan twitched at the sudden sound of a screechy voice entering the cafeteria.

"I already know their names: Edward, Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Rosalie." Jess scoffed and spoke up once more, "Of course Emmet's taken, he's the big one with the muscles, and he's with Rosalie - that's so weird - but Edward, Alice and Jasper are single."

"What's she on about now?" Ivan whispers, his head pointlessly looking to the side.

"Are you stalking them?" Ivan hears Angela say in the background.

"You haven't heard about the new kids?" Anthony says, disbelief in his tone. "Everyone's talking about them, like they're gods or some shit."

Ivan shrugged, not like he'd notice either way. "They good looking?"

"The girls are, especially the blonde. She's tall, curvy, got this tough bitch expression all the time like she doesn't want to talk to us, but other than that she's definitely a looker. There's another one, a small girl, she's cute, her hair's cut like a pixie and it sticks out everywhere." Anthony whispers, quiet enough to not catch the attention of Jess' and her Wikipedia motor mouth. "The guys at least bite at my ego so it's safe to say yeah, they're good looking."

Ivan nodded, feeling slightly bitter about not being able to see the new kids and witnessing the looks that caused Jessica to practically flick out a pad and paper and become a journalist for the entire day.

Anthony continued telling Ivan that they'd been here for two days already, which shocked Ivan as Jess already knew what Emmet's favourite colour was - blue, by the way - and had figured out Edward's schedule. When Anthony told him that, Ivan's face scrunched as though he took a bite out of a lemon. It was no surprise that Jess was desperate, but being that desperate that you feel the need to memorise his schedule...Ivan had no words.

"Pretty surprised you haven't heard about them yet." Anthony mentions again. Why was it so surprising?

"They're only people." Ivan mutters, completely uninterested with the current topic of the Cullens.

"People you don't see everyday." Anthony mutters, Ivan felt him shift his body and, guessing seeing as though he couldn't exactly tell, averted his attention towards Jess, Angela, Mike and Eric.

"Exactly." Ivan replies, snorting to himself.

"Dude." Anthony mumbles, chuckling.

"Ivan doesn't look interested, as usual." Jess comments. Ivan sighs, imagining that the smaller girl was standing with her hand indenting her waist as she graced him with her attention.

He felt a tap on his side, the side Anthony was directing him to look discreetly without everyone else noticing. Ivan would thank him later. He turned.

"Why should I? I can't see them." His dull voice caused Jess' eyebrows to shoot up - Ivan wished he could see her expression since he'd successfully shut her up for once.

"You don't even need to, Iv," Angela begins to say, her soft voice fresh to the ear in comparison to Jess' ungodly screech. "Jess is overreacting." Mike voiced his agreement with a bitter 'mmhm'.

Ivan chuckled and made no movement to turn away, although he wanted to but he knew Jess wasn't finished with him just yet.

"Oh come on, you can't expect me to not get excited over a bit of eye candy, can you?" Jess exclaimed, Ivan noticed that she was aiming this towards Angela more so than Ivan.

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