. . . PLEASE READ . . .

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 About me . . .

Hello, my name is Yuri ~

First off, this is my third Wattpad account that I'm starting over on, like jesus christ. I made my first one, but then I left it to get away from people online. I made my second one, but then I left it to get away from people in real life. I'm kind of tired of starting over at this point, so I think I might actually keep this account. This time, I'm here to stay, as long as nothing too bad happens!

About this book . . .

So, this is one of those What If books with various scenarios. It's basically going to have the same format as all of the others, however this book has longer updates (Each character's What If is gonna be one shot size which is about a page long for each character). I will try to update as soon as possible, I have a lot of fun writing, but I'm also busy with school too. I take straight, yaoi, or yuri. I'm okay with writing lemon or lime.

~ Request form ~


Gender of Reader (unless characterxcharacter):

Characters: (First Name and Last Name)

What if... :

Other Notes:

~. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~

Request Rules:

User requesting What if must be following me

User requesting What if must vote on all chapters

PM me or comment your request on this book

Request at least three characters per What if

Please read 'About this book...' before you request

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- Yuri 百合

⇎. . . C O N T A C T M E . . . ⇎

LINE: SaveHighDeres ◄

Kik: SaveHighDeres ◄

Email: yurikkagami@gmail.com◄

ily lilys ♡

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