Chapter 12 Julia

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John's POV

I propped myself against the tree. It was a beautiful day with the sun peaking through a single cloud. The rest of the sky was a brilliant blue.

Prudence was still in the tent, but she was eating a bit more now. I let my thoughts float away as I picked the chords to the new song I had written. I wrote it for my mum, Julia. I still missed her terribly, her death was so sudden. 


"Hello Little Girl.

When I see you everyday I say hmmm you're my little girl.

When I see you passing by I cry hmmm Hello Little Girl.

Hello Little Girl. Hello Little Girl." 

I finished and looked up at Paul. It wasn't great, but I was proud of my first song. Paul looked impressed. "That's gear, John!" He said, his heavy liverpuddlian accent ringing. I smiled proudly. Julia would like it, she was the one who inspired me to write a song! 

"Paul, dinner!" Paul's dad called up the stairs. 

"Alright!" Paul called down politely. 

"Well, I have better get going, Mimi doesn't want me to be late for dinner!" I smirked in rememberance of my uptight aunt. Paul chuckled lightly. 

"Okay then, great session!" Paul said while walking into the bathroom to freshen up for dinner. 

"Later, mate." I said, pulling my guitar strap over my head and grabbing my papers. I strode out of his room and clambered down the stairs, my boots making loud sounds as they hit the floorboards. 

"Have a nice evening Mr. McCartney!" I called into the house as I stepped out. I heard a faint reply as I closed the door. I smiled as the cool october air hit my face. I decided to jog, just so I could get to Mimi's as quickly as I could. After all, Julia and her family was coming. 

I leapt up the stairs and walked into the house, letting the warmth embrace me. 

It was quiet... too quiet. "Mimi?" I shouted, hearing my voice echo off the walls. All the lights were turned off too. 

"Mimi?!" I shouted louder, this time my voice cracking from nervousness. There was nothing but silence. I ran up the stairs and lay my guitar on the bed, trying not to panic. Mimi was never late or forgetful so there must be an explaination to why she isn't here. 

She's probably getting last minute groceries John, calm down.

I settled down at the thought and began strumming familiar chords on the guitar. I began singing 'That'll Be the Day' by the Crickets since it's one of my favorites.

After about 10 minutes of Elvis, Buddy Holly, and even some Chuck Berry, I heard a door slam. 

"Mimi?!" I called downstairs. There wasn't a reply. "Mimi?" I repeated, this time a bit more worried.

"Jo-hn." I barely heard here voice. "Mimi?!" I said quite loudly. I ran down the stairs, no clue what was going on. 

She was curled up in a ball on the floor. "What happened Mimi?!" I yelled, running to her side. As I got closer to her, I saw streaming down her face. Her body was shaking and her eyes were glossy and distant. 

"Mimi?" I asked, softer now and rubbing her back gently. I was still nervous, but she needed to calm down a bit. 

"John." She whispered. 

I had never seen her in this state before. She was always an uptight woman who took no nonsense. She always held herself proudly, even after Uncle George died a year ago. 

Dear PrudenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora