Chapter 6 P.S. I Love You

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Prudence's POV

The sun set far too quickly and before I knew it, it was time to get ready for bed. I crawled into my tent and got into my pajamas. I took out a piece of paper and a pen and began writing a poem. 

The intentions are real

But the truth is untold

Patiently awaiting the lies to unfold

Her heart shatters with the thought of his touch

How could she let him control her this much

I sat back and examind the poem. It didn't seem right...

"Prudence!" I jumped, surprised by the sudden noise. I turned around and unzipped my tent. John stood there with a slight smirk. 

"Yeah..?" I said unsure. 

"Are you ready to go to bed?" He asked, his smirk slightly growing. 

"Um... I guess." I replied, a bit nervous. 

"Hey, were you writing something?" He asked, pointing at the piece of paper behind me. 

"No!" I said too quickly. I grabbed the paper and stuffed it into my bag. 

"Okay then... let's go then." He said, extending his hand for me to take. I took it hesitantly.

I grabbed my sleeping bag and pillow and quickly followed him before it became too dark. He gestured for me to get into his tent poitely. 

I just nodded, gesturing him to go in instead. "You go." I said softly.

"I insist Prudence." He said, still gesturing toward his tent. 

"Fine then." I said, not wanting to go on like this forever. I crawled into the tent and lay out my sleeping bag on the yoga mat. 

"Want some help with that?" John asked cautiously as he crawled into the tent. 

"I think I'm good." I said, sounding a bit rude. I regreted it almost immediatly. John's face fell and his eyes drooped a bit but seconds later he recovered. 

"Alright then." He said, trying to ease up the tense-ness. 

"So... write any new songs recently?" I asked in a more soft tone.

"Not really, I've been searching for a muse, you know? Inspiration." He said, blushing lightly at what he had said.

"Oh, that's cool. I guess." I said trying to sound supportive. He chuckled. 

"So Prudence, you're from America, right?" He asked tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy. 

"Uh, Yeah." I smiled. 

"Cool! Where from?" He said, looking genuinly interested. 

"Boston, Massachusetts." I said, a bit quietly. 

"Oh cool! I don't think that we ever played there while we were still touring, but I've heard good things about it." He said, seeming like he didn't know exactly what he was saying. 

"Yeah." I said slowly.

"But don't they like have a wierd accent there?" He asked, blushing as he processed what he had said. 

"Most people do, but I am originally from western Massachcusetts, so I don't." I said, giggling a bit at what he had just said. He nervously laughed. "Cool."

I shivered a bit. "Are you cold?" he asked, concerned. 

"Just a bit." I replied, crawling into my sleeping bag. It was cold though, despite the heat of the day. 

"Me too." He said, crawling into his sleeping bag as well. 

"So... what kind of music do you like?" He asked, propping himself up on his hand. 

"Rock n' Roll."

***Three Hours later***

I yawned. It must have been midnight! John didn't seem to mind though, he was sitting up in his sleeping bag telling a story. I was trying to listen, but I was so tired that it was a bit difficult to focus. My eyes grew heavy. 

"Are you tired?" He asked, stopping the story since I obviously was no longer listening.

"Yeah, I think we should go to bed now..." I said, my eyes drooping more and more until I could barely keep them open. 

"Okay then, goodnight." He said, turning off the lantern which he had left on. 

I lay down and was almost completely asleep. 

"One more thing Prudence..." John said uneasily. 

"Yeah" I said drowsily and barely listening since I was nearly already asleep.

"I think that I'm in love with you."

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