"I'm not going to be butt naked!" He ran his tongue over his teeth.

"Well, if you stay in that, as far as Tony is concerned you might as well be." I glared at him, but stomped into the washroom. I changed. I looked in the mirror one last time before I exited. Let's just say it was baggy in a lot of places that on Natasha it would not be. I stepped out hair brushed, deodorant on, and teeth brushed. I used some extra toiletries that Natasha kept under the sink.

"Do you feel like you're ready now?" Hawkeye, er, um, Barton asked me.

"Sort of," I bit my lip. He quirked an eyebrow at me I corrected myself. "Yeah, let's go meet the Avengers." We left the room then continued down the hallway.

~Time Skip through a bunch of other hallways and elevators to the living room~

"Here we are." Barton guided me into the living room where all the Avengers were.

"This is our newest team mate, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)" he introduced me. I walked in and blushed. I hate when people stare at me. I wished I could hide and that's just what I did. Gasps chorused through out the room. I made myself invisible.

"See what I tell you!" Barton exclaimed. Tony stood up.

"So this is the pretty lady who has been taking up residence in my house." He waved his arms in the air looking like a manic trying to feel for me. I knew about Tony Stark's reputation. I hide behind Barton.

"(Y/N) it's okay, you can come out, Tony won't bother you." Natasha claimed as she stepped on Tony's foot. He sucked in a breath.

"You will regret that." Tony spit through clenched teeth at Natasha. I made myself visible again. All the Avengers, with exception of Tony who grimaced in pain, smiled at me. I looked around at each team member as they hug, hand shake, or nod to me. One man catches my eye. He simply nods hello, I nod back in response. He is so handsome. I'm giddy inside but I try not to show it.

"Why don't you sit and chat with the team, get to know everyone, you are going to be in close quarters with them from now on!" Hawkeye smiled as he patted me on the back, I must seem like a child to them, I worried.

"Come sit!" A now chipper Tony called. I walked to him and sat down in the empty spot he patted.

"So, (Y/N) do you have a super hero name picked out?" He leered.

"Well, um, no."

"Well, we must get you one!" Tony proclaimed.

"Tony, give her a moment!" Wanda or Scarlet Witch scolded Tony. "You're going to frighten her and she will not want to speak to us again!"

"Yeah, let her be Stark!" Natasha waved a stern finger at him. "Ask her what she would like to do first maybe she doesn't care or want to work on her image right away, like you! Perhaps she just wants to talk!"

"Fine!" He huffed. "Would you like to do some cool super hero stuff or hang out with these stiffs!"

"Um, I'd like to stay here I you don't mind." I say shyly.

"Fine with me, but I am outta here, Banner, Hawkeyes, Capsicle, Thor, Vision care to join me!" They all nodded. I was left alone with Wanda and Natasha. I gave a small wave to Wanda, she just laughed. Natasha walked up to me and just like Barton slung an arm over my shoulder.

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