"Why do you care all of a sudden?"

"Cause you look tired."

"Why are you even up?"

"Because Fred snores."

"He's your bloody twin and you haven't gotten over it?"

"We usually sleep a bit further away."

"And I'm supposed to know that why?"

"Because you asked."

"Doesn't mean I wanted an answer."

Olive narrowed her eyes at George, who only gave her the shrug of his shoulders and a cheeky grin in reply.

"Sure it does."


"Stop being-"

"Can I just sleep please?"

"Well, you've been awake for hours."

"I want to sleep now."

"Just because you want to sleep doesn't mean you can."

"Oh my god, Yoda, is that you?"

"Who's Yoda?"

"A muggle fictional character. Look him up."


"Because he's awesome."


"Because- shut up that's why."

With a frustrated huff, Olive turned over in hopes of getting some sleep, but was met with a tap on her shoulder from the younger Weasley twin.


She grabbed her wand and turned over, pointing it at George with an annoyed glance.

"I will hex you. Shut up please."

"Well, finally, you say please."


"Fine, fine, I'll shut up. Geez, you're scary when you're angry."

George laid down his head, but kept staring at Ollie with a grin. Rolling her eyes, she rolled back over and crammed her eyes shut, hoping to get some sleep.

Finally, she drifted off.

As light entered the Great Hall and the starry sky faded into a morning sunrise, the doors to the Great Hall slowly started to unlock. It was nearly seven, which gave Olive nearly three hours of sleep.

Students, one by one, began to wake up, getting to their feet to stretch their legs and whatnot.

The light chatter that started to fill the hall woke the rest of the students up, including Ollie, who was still a bit tired.

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