Mon 15th August-Mon 22nd August

64 4 6

Hey everyone,
This is week one. I've grouped you guys. Now this is what each group member has got to do:

1. Vote on all the chapters of their book and read it too. If you like it recommend it to more of your friends.

2. Write atleast 3 comments on your patners book. You can write more or less. You are not restricted to any number. The comments should be constructive and helpful to the writer.

3. When you are done with number 1 & 2 write finished as a comment in this book. The word finished should be commented beside the book title in this book.

Thats all.

Group 1:
MelodyMuse3 - Jazzmyn's Heart

KindCuteDiamond - If you really want me

Group 2:
Ehinomen44-Teenage Notes

dead_inside_3-The alpha's rogue mate

Group 3:
CalliopeBlythe-Loving the rebound

IzzyM99- The fat girl and hot trainer

Thanks as you guys help each other and have a nice day!!

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