#1. In the Coffee Shop

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*Vivek, an elderly man, is sitting in a coffee shop stirring a cup of coffee right in front of him. He is staring blankly at it when Vidisha, a young girl, with a couple of books in her hand notices him. She is suddenly captivated by the man who appears to be in prolonged meditation and deep introspection. Her interest in his thought surges probably because they are currently out of her reach. After a minute thought of consideration, she moves towards him and accompanies him at his table.*

Vidisha - "What are you thinking, sir? You seem rather disturbed."

*Vivek, who didn't see her approaching him, is startled by her soft voice. It takes him a few seconds to bring himself out of his thoughts and to his senses before he finally replies.*

Vivek - "Eh..  Nothing of much importance. Just had a few random thoughts about what life signifies and its meaning and all of that sort."

Vidisha - "Meaning of life? Ahh.. That's something rather interesting to think of. Complex and simple at the very same time. So..  What all did you think? I am quite curious to know."

Vivek - "Well.."

*He clears his throat and considers his words for a moment before speaking again.*

Vivek - "You see, it is quite easy to define. Worthless if you ask me. Perhaps like an art created to be destroyed. A word written to be erased. Everything it stands for is destined to end. Into nothingness. Every soul that exists will be lost once and for ever. So that it might never feel a thing again. All those years of pain and suffering just to try and become a memoir in history. No point, right?"

Vidisha - "But, sir.. What good is a movie without an ending? A book without an epilogue? Nobody shall ever embrace the rain if the sky never clears out into a lovely rainbow. Aren't all beautiful things beautiful cause they might not be there the next second? For us to adore them. And hence creating a moment in time way better than the rest."

Vivek - "Haven't you ever pondered that every book will be once forgotten into history? Words might then turn to ash or disappear with a puff of smoke. Nothing can change that. Everything we can feel or love, including our own selves, will be razed by time and its fragments thrown in time itself. Like a sunken treasure, long forgotten, never to be recovered. Maybe our entire race shall wipe out too someday and the future will be deprived of the knowledge of our existence."

Vidisha - "Or perhaps we will continue to live and prosper in search of end of time. We can never predict what might happen next. Neither should one throw his heart into believing in only one possibility. That is the thing about possibilities. They are endless!"

Vivek - "That still doesn't alter the fact that death and oblivion are inevitable. What has been created must be destroyed barring time itself. That is fated to occur will occur. Our tiny little actions won't do as much as to create a wrinkle in it."

*He pauses for a brief moment a look to into her disapproving eyes and then continues.*

Vivek - "I have always imagined our lives to be like a drop in an ocean. Whether we are added or removed from it, it won't affect the grandeur of it. Whether we are sweet or salty, it won't change what the ocean tastes like. Our colors shall never be reflected in its color. And then, someday, each of us will make to the surface and vaporize, perhaps never ever to be resurrected again."

Vidisha - "Maybe you are right. But there is still a lot we can do. We can choose to flow with the current or against it. We can explore the depths of the ocean or conquer its breadth. Enter into dangerous entrances and come out of lovely exits. Perceive what the ocean is comprised of. And maybe instead of evaporating, we might become the drop that makes the pearl. Turn ourselves into a living memory. Thoughts have souls too, sir. If you wish to live any longer, live in them."

*She then stands up, picks up her books, smiles at Vivek once and leaves. Vivek stares at her while she walks away, also engrossed in some deep thinking. And then finally he picks up his coffee, takes his first sip and smiles.*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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