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If I thought I was going to be invisible all weekend and hide away in my apartment with my cat, I had another thing coming.  That thing was Ollie.  He showed up at noon with a bag of groceries and two huge pieces of poster board.  I just watched him quickly take over my house.  It was a sight, truly sort of awe inspiring and because it was Ollie I didn't mind, I was just curious. 

"I brought leftovers.  Are you hungry?"  I sort of shrugged and nodded.  I was kind of hungry.  "Want to start with the pie?"  Now THAT was a good idea.  "I'll set it out to warm but you have to shower.  And put on REAL clothes.  Is that manageable?" 

He asked so nicely, as if I couldn't dress myself.  I nodded and made a handshape that I hope represented the fact that I wanted a big piece of pie before heading into the shower.  I'd scoffed when he asked but by the time I had shaved and gotten dressed I was tired.  I collapsed onto the couch and pointed to the poster board which was now covered in words. 

He handed me a little laser pointer keychain.  "So this is all words I thought you might need to use fairly often but couldn't just mime.  I figure we can fill up the other one when we get stuck.  It'll keep you from having to use your phone so often and, as a bonus, Wyatt will LOVE it."

Ah, so that's what 'coffee', 'fuck you' and 'okay' all had in common.  Okay, I got it.  It was actually sort of dorky but also really sweet.  I could have just used my phone but I had to admit that waving a laser around sounded like fun.  I held it in my hand, ready, and stared at him.

"How are you feeling?" 

I had to look.  I aimed for 'okay' but hit 'Wyatt' first.  It was officially too hard.

"Just nod when it's on the right word, or let it linger.  Context clues honey, I can figure it out."

I grabbed my phone.  Should have made this for you in the hospital.

"I expect you to next time!  It would make a ventilator easier to deal with.  Just make sure you write 'McDonalds' on mine because every time I'm sick I CRAVE those little hamburgers.  And gyros.  Food is very important in hospitals."

I didn't want to think about a next time.  I got up and grabbed the sharpie and wrote 'How are you' on the other board along with 'really' and 'tired.'  I sat down and tried to point out 'okay, really tired' but Wyatt decided that the little red dot was for him and jumped up onto the TV stand, knocking over one of the boards and scaring himself shitless in the process.  Ollie laughed and I tried not to because I couldn't risk messing up my voice.  I ended up flailing like a walrus out of water.

"I'm sorry, that was so stupid!  Silly cat."  He got up and fixed the board.  "Maybe we need tape.  Ooh, your pie.  Hold on."

Kevin working? I typed, then handed it to him when I took the pie.  It smelled delicious and tasted even better.  I smiled.

"Yeah.  Unfortunately mental health doesn't take holidays.  He got off for Christmas though so it's a fair trade."

Speaking of mental health... I managed to hold my pie with one hand and pull Greg's letter out of my pocket with the other.  I handed it to Ollie.

"You want me to read this?"  I nodded.  "Are you sure?"

I waved my fork at him.  I had better things to do than discuss it.  I had pie to eat.   Once he had it unfolded I pointed to the bottom half of the letter.

"Um, that's not what Master said, not really.  Oh, I... Okay, Chris?  Master was concerned and you know what?  I agree with him.  I think you're a little depressed if nothing else.  He didn't come out and say you had this though, BPD, he just ran some symptoms by Sir Greg and I think he asked what they were symptoms of which I know isn't a huge difference but it is, really.  I think Sir Greg sort of misrepresented what happened."

I wasn't all that surprised.  I knew that Greg was a lot like me in that he took two pieces and combined it up into a picnic lunch.  He had an excuse though, he was used to having to fill in the blanks that he just didn't understand or process.  I pointed at 'okay'.  That wasn't going to cut it, I needed my phone.  But if I decide to go to a counselor do you think Kevin could recommend someone?  Lifestyle and gay friendly?

"Of course.  Actually, I wonder if mine would be a good fit.  Amanda is great."

You go to therapy?  How did I not know this?

"You're kidding, right?  I'm a gay sub with HIV and the whole, uh, him thing?  Yeah, I've been in therapy for years.  I'm on an antidepressant.  It's nothing to be ashamed of Chris."

I know.  I'm busy but maybe I should try.  Maybe it'll help me work some stuff out.

"I'll run it by Master and ask Amanda and will let you know.  So can I ask the obvious?  You and Sir Greg are writing?  Have you seen him?  I mean are you two...?"

I pointed out 'some' and then 'no' and 'fuck you'.  I made a crazy grimacing face because I had no idea if he would get that.

"Some letters but you're not fucking?"

My mouth dropped open and I nodded.

"I deserve a prize for that one."

Yes, yes he did.  I really needed to do something nice for him.  Want to go shopping?  My treat.

"Not today I don't.  Those people are crazy.  Although I did wait up until midnight and do some online shopping, I admit.  Master didn't approve but hey, I have very little excitement in my life."

Next week sometime?


I had no idea what I would do without him, honestly.  If this Amanda chick could help him be this amazing, maybe she was worth a try.  My phone rang and I looked at it.  My mom.  Mom was CALLING me?  Two days after I had vocal cord surgery?  She must have found some really good deals to be that excited. 

"I need to get home.  Do you need anything before I go?"

No.  Thank you so much.

"Take care of that voice honey, okay?  I'll TEXT you soon" he joked, making a jibe at my mother.  "Adios!"

I walked him to the door and then picked up the laser pointer and went in search of Wyatt.

Lost Boy [9] bxb 18+Where stories live. Discover now